Disney Feature Films

 Nature and Origins of Disney Feature Films
It seems that every single person on the planet watched at least one Disney cartoon once in his or her life, and it is completely understandable since it is impossible to resist to the level of magic in the films produced by this company. It is the story and background of the most Disney feature films that is unknown to the wide audience, as people tend to think that these films are created for children and adolescents as the target audience.

To lift the veil of the secrecy surrounding the most popular feature films of the Walt Disney Studios, it was decided to conduct an extensive research on the topic. This research paper aims to address the questions stated above and suggest answers to these questions while highlighting some major facts, establishments, and developments of the Disney Animation Studios as we know it today, as well as analyze some interesting and compelling facts about the origin and nature of the most popular cartoons produced by the studios in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. These goals are achieved due to extensive research of printed and electronic sources to gather the necessary information and evidence for the purposes of this research.

The research paper reviews four most popular feature films produced in the 20th century, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Bambi (1942), Cinderella (1950), and The Little Mermaid (1989) to tell several facts about the background of these films that may be unknown to the audience.

It is extremely hard not to watch cartoons at all, as they are entertaining, funny, fascinating, romantic, and informative at the same time. We laugh, cry, worry, and cheer with our favorite animated heroes and never get tired of watching these cartoons again and again. And, of course, Disney animated films are enjoyed the most by viewers of all generations since the history of this animation studios is long enough to produce more than 50 animated films. And that's not taking into account numerous blockbuster movies produced by the Disney Studios. We see the Disney logo as the movie or a cartoon starts, and we know that it is going to be something fantastic, like the Disney Company itself. This is how it all feels and looks like from the viewer perspective, but there are a few of us who ever wonder what stands behind the Disney cartoon production, who are people who worked at this or that cartoon and what is the origin and background of our favorite cartoons.

This research paper aims to some major facts, establishments, and achievements of the Disney Animation Studios, as well as share some interesting and compelling facts about the origin and nature of the most popular cartoons produced by the studio in the twenty and twenty-first century. A set of materials has been used to analyze the abovementioned information and come up with the conclusion about the nature of Disney animated films and the main reason why they became so popular.

Research will be performed based on the sources that are available online, as well as on the personal perception of the cartoon by the author of this research paper.

1. Early Disney Animation and Advancement of Animation Techniques
Certainly, Disney Company as we know it today is the story of development, progress, and work of many animators, directors, supervising animators, and many other professionals, but it all started with one man whose name is Walt Disney. He is considered to be one of the most iconic figures in the animation sphere, and it is rather useful to learn what happened to Disney Studios in its early years.

Disney founded his animation studios and got involved into the animation process long before he started creating his Amusement Park. Pallant (21) gravitates to the fact that Disney as an animator was a lucky person as he tended to be at the right time and the right place, and that his late entrance to the sphere of animated feature films production made him well-informed comparing with other great animators of that time. What is meant here is that today many people associate him with the invention of animation, but it is a false argument that went broadcast and was assigned to Disney. Pallant (21) goes on telling that Disney, as well as his Studios, entered on the animation scene after such pioneers as J. Stuart Blackton, Émile Cohl, Winsor McCay, and John Randolph Bray with their inventions and developments, but he and his Studios did great thigs, taking animation matters into their hands to develop a vast number of important features, elements, and cornerstones of mainstream animation. He managed to understand the importance of progress in the cartoons production and embraced all the inventions to improve what was practiced by many and make it better. The Steamboat Willie cartoon introduced Mickey Mouse with animation and sound effects coming together on screen for the first time in the Studios history, and then  

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