Does bilingual education system lead to improved learning outcomes?

 Does bilingual education system lead to improved learning outcomes?
This is a research study attempting to know whether bilingual education system in Australian schools lead to improved learning outcomes for native language students, thus establishing parity in the opportunity of learning for every student.
In this regard, this study would first compare learning outcomes of certain selected schools which have transitioned from monolingual teaching system to a bilingual one across time. The study would then shift its focus to assess whether the bilingual system made a significant improvement in the learning outcome of native students across the sample of schools studied. This impact, if found significant, would then be quantified and elaborated in the form of research finding around the level at which learning parity stands established.
In case the impact is found to be not significant, the research would shift its focus to generate alternative measures to address linguistic bias in the education system.
Research Aims
Bilingual education system refers to the practice of teaching in schools in two languages – the primary language and the secondary (native) language. The aims of this research are as follows:
•	Compare learning outcomes of bilingual education system and monolingual education system
•	Gauge whether bilingual system leads to improved learning among students
•	Assess the significance of the impact that bilingual system has on learning outcomes
The research will explore the impact that bilingual education system leaves on both the primary language as well as the native language speaking students of Australia.
The student community of Australia has varying demographics and ethnicities. English is the primary language, however there are a large number of students speaking native language. As such, there is a need in the education system at elementary level to ensure that the native language speakers learn English and in the meantime attend their learning courses in native language. The intent is to immerse these students in to the mainstream pool of students already speaking and learning their courses in English.
This research would look in to what the existing literature has to say about the effectiveness of bilingual education system in schools. It would also evaluate the general notion that bilingual system is more effective than monolingual system in learning outcomes by systematically comparing the two.
When the medium of teaching courses at schools is only English, the native language speaking students are often left at a disadvantageous position with respect to learning as well as academic performance in comparison to their English speaking counterparts. Hence the need for bilingual education system.
The bilingual system works in a particular manner. Classes are conducted separately in both English as well as native languages. The native students initially attend the courses in native language and are taught English as special immersion course. Once they catch up to the mainstream level of English, they are relieved from the immersion course and the classes in native language. They then begin to attend classes with the mainstream students in English and become one of them.
Bilingual system also works well to help the English and the native speaking students socialize well amongst each other (Chin, 2012). Several nations across the world have adopted the bilingual education system in varying forms in order to make education more comprehensive and inclusive (Brisk, 1999).
Literature Review
There is a general consensus among authors that in diverse demographic settings bilingual education system leads to better learning outcomes for students than monolingual system. One rationale given is that the native students get the chance to come up the learning curve and get absorbed in the mainstream (Brisk & Proctor, 2012). Even the mainstream students get a chance to learn native linguistics in certain bilingual systems. Another logic says that this system ensures fairness and parity for all students irrespective of their demographic profile (Jolla, 2010).
While monolingual system leaves the onus on students to catch up on their learning, the bilingual system attempts to establish a sense of mutual responsibility between the school and the students. This shared sense of responsibility is the hallmark of bilingual system and has made it a widely endorsed method of tackling linguistic challenges (Howard et al, 2007).
Regarding the impact of bilingual education on the learning of students, there are varying views with a majority of authors agreeing upon its effectiveness in enhancing student learning. There is a minority view that says that the bilingual system is effective only when the students have the right attitude towards learning (PPRC, 2010). The majority view in contrast endorses bilingual system as a learning catalyst irrespective of the individual attitu 

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