Does the web make us dumber?

Does the web make us dumber?
	In the last three decades, a complete revolution has taken place in almost all facets of the society. This tremendous dynamism is attributed to the advancement in science and technology, widespread application of information technology and the emergence of the computer era. Man’s move to integrate technology in development is evident in different quotas of life especially in the transport and communication. Technology has enabled man to developed efficient means of transport with the aim of improving the living standards. In a similar vein, technological advancement plays a crucial role in reforming and overhauling the entire communication sector. 
	With the introduction of computers coupled with internet accessibility, the process of communication has changed significantly. Today, people from distant places in the world can exchange ideas, opinions and information freely thus turning the world into a global village.  This move plays a pivotal role in facilitating social integration, cultural diffusion and sharing of research ideas. Recently, advanced and affordable mobiles phones, GPS systems and other communication gadgets have been introduced hence improving the communication process (Rose & Dalton, 90). 
	Technology has numerous advantages and more often people embrace it based on short term goals rather than long term effects. Occasionally, people fail to question the long term negative impacts technology has on society. This concept has developed following the emergence of the computer era in the last few decades. Today, internet provides people with large volumes of information thus making it the primary source. Majority of people prefers using the internet other than literature materials in studying and conducting their daily activities. This move has not only affected peoples’ reading culture but, also affected learning process in learning institutions.
	The question: Does the web make us dumber? Remain a controversial topic and, has raised a heated debate among the people. Other people argue that excessive use of internet harms the human brain and cognition functioning whereas others oppose this claim. This piece of work supports the claim that the web makes us dumber.
 	With the introduction of the industrial revolution in 19th century, man’s way of life has continued to advance and become more complicated than before. This has led to introduction of computers and internet, technological advancement and creation of Google generation. However, one key issue that remains clear is that: as man adapts to more sophisticated technology and a sedentary way of life, the more challenges encountered. Seneca, a renowned roman philosopher, in his famous quote “To be everywhere is to be nowhere”, support the claim that man has created more problems than before. Studies support this argument since internet has a negative impact on the brain and cognitive functioning.
Impairs retention of information in the memory
	The human brain performs three main functions namely; encoding, storing and retrieving information. When one is reading, the three processes are involved to ensure that the information is stored in long term memory. Studies indicate that people who use the internet to access information are at higher risks of forgetting the information than those who use books and printed materials. This is because internet grants one with the unprecedented amount of information and prevents the mind from thinking and internalizing the information. Occasionally, people tend to scan and skim over materials in the internet rather than allowing the mind to be adequately involved in reading and learning process. According to Doige (p. 78) argues that people can only understand their personality traits, functioning of memories and thoughts when the mind is actively involved in an activity. This infers that learning process can only take place when people pay close attention to the information conveyed.
	Several studies support the claim that internet usability affects memory retention. A study conducted done  at the Cornell University indicated that there was a disparity in retention of information  among those students who depended on the internet for learning purposes than on students  who used books classroom learning. In this study, the students were divided into two groups (A and B). Group A was allowed to use internet to access lecturers notes while group B was not allowed to access lecturer’s notes using the internet. Research findings affirmed that those students who used the internet performed poorly on subsequent tests compared to their counterparts; an idea affirming that web usage impairs retention o information.
Characterised with constant distractions
	Attention plays a crucial in the learning process since it actively involves the mind. The human mind can deduce meaningful associations between the newly learned k 

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