Early Childhood Leadership

 Early Childhood Leadership
Table of Contents
Introduction. 3
Methodology. 4
Results. 10
Discussion. 12
Limitations of the Study. 16
Reflection. 16
Conclusion. 17
References. 18
Appendix. 21

Early Childhood Leadership
Leadership is a common phenomenon in all the professions. In the past, its role in teaching was limited to the offices of the school administrators (Kagan, 2008). Currently, academic teachers exercise authority as they participate in the teams and even assume the roles of association leaders, department chairs, or curriculum developers (Malone, 2008). The advocacy for teachers has expanded leadership roles based on the fact that they have daily contact with the learners (Heller, 2007). They are also the best positioned to make any important decisions on instruction and curriculum for effective teaching roles. Furthermore, these educators are also better placed to implement any changes needed in the continuous and comprehensive manner. The move to expand the leadership roles of the educator in early childhood setting is motivated by the need to retain and attract more qualified personnel with better capabilities to provide the correct direction. Leadership in early childhood is an important element in the field of education today. It aligns the aspects of effective teaching and monitoring of activities to allow for the learning amongst the students (Malone, 2008). In, Singapore, there is great emphasis on the instructor which should assume the leader’s role in the early education sector.
This study evaluates the respondent’s feedback on the role of instructors in leadership in the early childhood setting. The survey was conducted, and individuals evaluated the instructors and their impact on the education environment. It was a qualitative research study conducted through the survey. Data was then analysed to establish dominant component relationships.
Research Questions
The questions which were addressed in this essay include the following:
1.	What is teacher leadership?
2.	What does teaching leadership entail?
3.	What are the lessons learnt from teachers in leadership?
Research Aims and Objectives
The research aims to conduct the analysis of the way effective leadership roles of the teachers enable children to understand concepts that are important for their education. It includes the development of proper frameworks that can be used in the evaluation of the learning and education of all the students in an early childhood setting.
The study objectives include:
•	Use of evidence in research survey data to identify relevant trends in teaching leadership roles and the nature of change in their professional field.
•	Clear outline of the issues which arises from the role of teachers in leadership.
•	Appraise and reflection of the responses taken from the study in relation to how the teachers view leadership.
The study used the qualitative method to collect information from the selected number of participants that would be the part of the sample group. The survey study was done, and it was time saving and feasible within the limited frame of the report while still availing a broad selection of respondents. In this research, the questionnaire was chosen as the best tool for the study because it captured more information from the respondents. Besides, it was a cheaper option for the study. The questionnaire for the research contained 16 questions which were divided in four categories which were based on the study related question. Five grouped factors of leadership components of the study were included in the questionnaire. Each of them had a set of statements to be responded by the participants. The components included: My Group, Team Leader, Skills, Influence, and Autonomy. All the participants were divided into five groups, and 20 members in each group were selected in the randomized manner.
The participants were individuals who worked in the teaching leadership positions. The sample size of 100 participants was selected with the help of random method. All the respondents of the study were provided with consent forms to fill and sign. They were also informed of the purpose of the survey and their need to volunteer. Ethical principles that were used in guidelines of the research would be addressed fully before starting the research and included the protection of autonomy and privacy. Those ideas were achieved by maintaining anonymity throughout the survey and limiting any personal information in the research without reproduction in any other forum.
The research sample size included 100 participants. The inclusion criterion was engagement in the early childhood setting. Additionally, in order to qualify the selection of the sample, individuals also had to work on any leadership position within the early childhood setting. The target sample was issued with questionnaires to scan and aid in the sample selection.  

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