effective management of human resources

In the modern era, effective management of human resources is considered as the key and most critical task for companies. Nowadays, the competition among businesses in almost every industry has become so intense that it is no longer secure for a firm to gain a competitive advantage over other market players. Further, challenges such as increasing rate of employee dissatisfaction and turnover also create obstacles to long-term growth and success of a business enterprise (McCracken, et al. 2017). To sustain in the marketplace, companies are now required to emphasise on areas such as growth and development of staff members.

The use of concepts such as strategic human resources management (SHRM) among companies is now increasing because it supports in carrying out the best and most efficient use of all staff members working in an organisation. The present study reflects analysis and discussion on HR Business Partner Model which was developed by Ulrich in the year 1997. The primary objective of this model is to determine how the performance of an organisation can be enhanced with the help of HR value.  Apart from this, the evolution of HR Business Partner Model has also been carried out in the present study.

Analysis of the literature on the HR Business Partner Model 
As per the view of Hunter, Saunders & Constance, (2016) the primary objective of HR Business Partner Model developed by Ulrich in the year 1997 is to enhance the role of HR professionals in growth and success of an organisation. It can be analysed that the model encourages these professionals to integrate more thoroughly and take active participation in business operations and processes. In addition to this, the model also allows the HR professionals with an opportunity to combine their day-to-day tasks and work with overall outcomes of the business enterprise. The model also highlights the fact that companies can enhance their overall effectiveness and efficiencies by using the concept of HR business partnering. It can be analysed that the role of HR Business partners and line managers is very critical in this situation. Before, the evolution of this model, the role of HR managers was restricted only to administration and management of human resources within a company.

However, it can be argued that the model highlights the HR business partner should invest less time and efforts on administration and should work more on task related to strategic management and business operations (Gerpott, 2015). It has been analysed that instead of focusing on doable, the Ulrich model emphasises more on the deliverables. On the other side of this, the model also states that the business partner should focus more on results instead of stressing about measuring the process used to deliver products and services to the customers. The statement can be justified by the example that instead of determining the tools and techniques of training, the HR business partner should focus on measuring what kind of impact does the training and development program will have on the overall performance of the business enterprise (Bratton & Gold, 2017).

This will allow the HR business partner and professionals to take active participation in the business processes and activities. In addition to this, the model also highlights the fact that it is required by companies to ensure that their businesses process is efficient enough to deliver value to society, employees, customers and shareholders. Here, the use of HR business partner model can be done as the model provides HR business partner and professionals with an opportunity to create and maintain capabilities which can support in delivering such kind of value to all the internal and external stakeholders.

Over the past few years, the use of models such as strategic HRM has also increased to a great extent, and the reason behind growing popularity of this model is the benefits associated with the same. For example, the feature of SHRM is that it provides companies with an opportunity to recognise their external environment and the impact of this environment on activities and operations (Nadiv, Raz & Kuna, 2017). In addition to this, the use of SHRM also supports companies to use problem-solving approach while carrying out their tasks and activities.

Evolution of the HR Business Partner Model
The HR business partner Model was evolved in the year 1997, and it reflects four roles model which creates and adds value to a business enterprise. The roles are employee champion, administrative expert, change agent and strategic partner. The primary purpose of all the HR professionals in an organisation is to create value, and therefore, these professionals can be termed as business partners. Furthermore, the role of HR strategic partner is to develop a productive and long-term relationship with the line managers to share responsibilities and achieve the business objectives in every possible manner (Ulrich, et a 

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