Effectiveness of the GLA and the Mayor of London in Tackling Key Issues that Relate to "The Environment"

Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012 London
The Mayor of London has developed clear his commitment to promoting London’s
environmental, economic, social development. He has challenged the Greater London Authority
(GLA) group to formulate it possible that its procedure provides appropriate weight to the
environmental and social implications for Londoners, and is also promoting this approach with
other agencies. London faces critical environmental challenges, specifically in relation to waste
management and climate change, and people simply cannot afford to ignore these issues in the
way they purchase goods and services (John and Margaret, 2010). The GLA has accomplished a
lot in the last few years. GLA has developed policies and plans for improving services to
Londoners, and have provided new initiatives to support sustainable, equalities, health and
development. They have introduced the congestion charging system in central London - the first
of its type in a major global city - and GLA and The office of the Mayor of London are working
hard to ensure that the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games are successful.
The strategy develop on earlier work; in particular the Mayor of London’s Green
Procurement Code, which is a free support service for London based authorities committed to
REDUCING their environmental impact through responsible purchasing. There has been a
strong recent focus on delivering on the first theme, encouraging supplier assortment; to ensure
that the GLA groups use reflects the diversity of Londoners (Matt and Martin, 2011). However, 
the study highlights outcomes from implementing the policy across all of the themes to make it
possible that the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games successful arrangement.
The Mayor’s Vision
The vision of the Mayor is for London to be a sustainable, world city, exemplary, based
on three interlocking themes:
 Strong and diverse economic growth
 Social inclusivity to allow all Londoners to share in London’s future success
 Fundamental improvements in environmental management and use of resources.
The Mayor leads the Greater London Authority (GLA) group, which objectives to help
deliver this vision (John and Margaret, 2010). The GLA group uses its purchasing power to
support environmental and social objectives and to ensure that true value for money is
accomplished both for the GLA group and for London and all its citizens.
Greater London is the most populated and largest city in the European Union, with a
population of more than seven and a half million 3–12 per cent of the UK’s total. Along with
Tokyo and New York, it is a ‘world city’ and facilitates employment to four million people
(Robinson, Wale and Dickson, 2010). It is an internationally recognised centre for business and
finance, media, design, entertainment, fashion and a growing internet sector.
Scope of the 2012 Games
The 2012 Games will take place in summer 2012 centred on the Olympic site in East
London with further sporting, cultural and other interrelated events spread overall the United
Kingdom (Michael and Mike, 2008).
For the study objective of the criteria, it has defined the 2012 Games to include all
initiatives which:
 These are directly linked to delivery of the 2012 Games: these include those
projects and programmes which will be paid for from the allocated 2012 budgets;
 These are directly relate with delivery of the key commitments develop by
authority, specifically those associated with the Government’s Legacy Action
Plan; and
 Represent other significant initiatives which have been influenced by the 2012
Games: the particular explanation of these initiatives will required to be
confirmed based on the significance of the inputs and/or the expected
outputs/outcomes (John and Margaret, 2010).
The Evaluation structure is considered to fulfil whole impacts and activities from both the
2012 Paralympic Games and the 2012 Olympics Games. Evaluations undertake within this
structure require to consider the particular impacts of each set of games as well as the joint
impacts of the 2012 Games (Fussey and etc, 2011).
Environmental issues and London
The scientific evidence for climate change is now overwhelming: it is a serious global
threat and demands an urgent global response. The UK is the world’s eighth largest emitter of
carbon dioxide (CO2). London is responsible for eight per cent of UK emissions, developing
44 million tonnes of CO2 each year and provided London’s forecast population and fiscal
growth, without policy intervention London’s carbon emissions would be proposed to increase
by 15 % to 51 million tonnes by 202513 (Matt and Martin, 2011). Furthermore, the Mayor’s
Climate Change Action Plan sets out a programme of action to reduce London’s CO2 emissions
by 60 per cent below 1990 levels by 2025. London developed approximately 18 million tonnes
of waste every year. This is 

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