Enhancing TPS delivery with HyperStudio 1 Instructional program for the Tactical Personnel System

 Enhancing TPS delivery with HyperStudio 1
Instructional program for the Tactical Personnel System

 M.Ed. Faculty Mentor
Enhancing TPS delivery with HyperStudio 2
Traditional instructional methodology using PowerPoint presentations and lectures are used in
the delivery of Tactical Personnel System training in the military but do not orient TPS personnel
to succeed in the application of knowledge in the field. The potential of HyperStudio to more suit
the instructional delivery needs of the TPS program was investigated. 20 TPS training personnel
underwent a 10 day interactive training in HyperStudio incorporated into the TPS training. Job
aid checklists, journal documentation sheets, rubric measurement evaluation program survey
sheets, instructor observations and survey sheets were used to assess the impact of training on
TPS training personnel use and attitude towards the multimedia program. There was a 100%
success rate for HyperStudio in impacting TPS personnel use of technology, creating an
interactive instructional presentation and in achieving the instructional objectives of TPS.
Learners indicated that typographical errors were one of the deficiencies of HyperStudio.
HyperStudio can be successfully incorporated into the TPS training program to affect improved
instructional outcomes.
Enhancing TPS delivery with HyperStudio 3
Table of contents
Enhancing TPS delivery with HyperStudio 4
The Tactical Personnel System (TPS) is the military’s automated tactical strength
management system. This system plays an important role in the management of the military’s
human resources by task force organizations. This application serves as a deploymentmanifesting platform for all military personnel, civilians Department of Defence (DOD) Federal,
non-DOD Federal, Contractors, and Foreign Nationals. The TPS supports commanders’ tactical
decision-making process by creating a deployable "go to war" personnel strength automated file.
The TPS also creates manifests, reports, and provides updates on the duty status of deployed
personnel. The TPS is designed to track the mobilization of reserve or National Guard soldiers
and deployment of active duty personnel during contingency operations. The function of these
monitoring personnel is considered one of the most critical in the modern battlefield.
Additionally the capabilities of TPS support war-fighters by providing monitoring personnel
with the ability to effectively account for personnel. This system is ideally suited for operations
in a range of environments particularly where there may be problems with communicating
between base and deployed personnel.
Currently training is provided for personnel working with the TPS system. Training
typically involves the use of slideshow presentations and similar media as the primary learning
mediums. This type of training only encourages the user to memorize information utilized in the
training fields, as supplied by trainers, but does not provide any real benefits to personnel
performance on the field because there are no provisions for trainees to be actively involved with
the learning material.
This project was developed to address the weaknesses in the existing method of delivery
of the TPS module. This project was undertaken based on the hypothesis that the preexisting
Enhancing TPS delivery with HyperStudio 5
Tactical Personnel System training was not effective, and that personnel who underwent
interactive training would learn and absorb more information than those given comparable
amounts of passive TPS training experience. The researcher felt that a more intensive and
practical training method, with an improved instructional system would result in an increased
level of proficiency and full utilization of the TPS capabilities. To realize the improvements to
the existing TPS training the researcher developed and organized a new set of TPS training
sequences which aimed to encourage a more active method of training in the TPS system. This
project therefore addressed the problem of passive and inactive instruction in the Tactical
Personnel System through the development of an interactive TPS instruction package as an
improvement over the existing TPS training.
Tactical Personnel System (TPS) instruction connotes counter intelligence strategies. It
includes mapping, speed and precision in deliberation. Decision through interactive
communication and accuracy of judgment is critical. An interactive instructional tool like
HyperStudio is therefore necessary, in order to realize improvements in the delivery of this
This research aimed to analyze the effectiveness and usefulness of HyperStudio as a
delivery mechanism for the TPS training. HyperStudio is based on non-technical application for
an open-line communication (Wagner, 1978). It is lesson content centered learning experience
(Wagner). The use of this interactive media is an option to p 

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