ethical issues in undertaking qualitative research.

 Table of Contents

The essay focuses on ethical issues in undertaking qualitative research. Harm from alcohol was responsible for 3.2% of total burden of disease in Australia in 2003,  of which alcohol abuse, road traffic accidents and suicide contributed two thirds of the harm (AIHW, 2007). The purpose of this paper is to undertake a qualitative study  involving both one-on-one in-depth interviews and focus groups to explore the impact of  injuries sustained in a traffic accident, where the driver of one of the cars involved had a blood alcohol level over 0.05. The implications and the hazardous repercussions have been explained. There is also a recommendation and a strategy to over the ethical issue involved.
Ethical Issues Involved 
One of the major problems with Alcohol is its addictive substance that causes the user to repeatedly use Alcohol which often results in miserable circumstances for the parties involved. The same is of vital importance in the case of road accidents. A person under the influence of alcohol is not able to judge the happenings of the road and the reaction time of the driver is reduced drastically and considerably if not more. Although alcohol can be consumed without harm, it is also a toxic and addictive substance which causes illness, accidents, violence and family suffering (Anderson 2007).
Explanation of the variables involved
Age- Youths are increasingly getting influenced by the vulgar media, their elders and other factors and are turning to the addiction of alcohol and other harmful chemicals. Excessive alcohol is dangerous for any age group. Homeless persons are seen in plenty especially in the Asian and African developing economies. Unfortunately, the respective government of these countries is also unable to solve the problem as the population is too much to control and the officials are limited financially as well. Human mentality is such that they do not realise the value of an object unless they happen to lose it. There are many factors which leads an individual for taking these extreme steps. However, there are few instances like failing a unit in school leads the child out of fear from parents or peer pressure to take this extreme step.
Gender- Families also complain of change in behavior of the individual once he or she is under the influence of alcohol or if he is intoxicated by any other means. It is really sad to see the young infants who are born as a natural phenomenon in these families and have no option other than to spend their childhood amidst poverty, lack of food, clothing and shelter. The ratio of men to women is already slightly tilted towards the males and thus the government should consider to give help to the female child if they are poverty stricken and do not get basic facilities like that of food, clothing, shelter and education etc. Imagining the same scenario in case of a living being, the loss to the family is immense especially if an adolescent commits this as sometimes the whole future of the family is dependent on that person, the families are often seen investing and spending a lot on the education of their child with the hope that one day their child would start earning for them and the family would get back its investment (Buyupside 2007).
Effect on the population 
Excessive alcohol or other harmful drugs like marijuana, smack, cocaine, heroin, LSD, hash, snake bite, Corex (cough syrup), Diluters etc are harmful as they shorten the respective life span of the users of these drugs. They also cause chronic diseases which often results in whipping out the funds of the family involved. The families also spends huge amount of money in getting their beloved family members treated via the means of rehabilitation and there is always a fear that the person would get relapsed again.
These 	groups have been identified as more vulnerable over the other groups because they have been prevalent in the human civilization from the very beginning and have caused a lot of problems to many. Alcohol, to an extent is also proved to be helpful for curing disease and it has been proved by research that a person is likely to make his or her bones stronger of they drink a light beer once in a while. Drugs, on the other hand have no such effects and there are only three possible outcomes for a drug addict namely Jail, Rehabilitation or Death and that is why this group has been identified as more vulnerable over others (Nissenbaum 2005).
Incorporating the issue into investments
It is possible to apply negative screens in relation to alcohol. This can be focused on companies that manufacture and/or sell alcohol products. A materiality threshold can be applied – for example avoiding only companies that derive 33% of turnover from alcohol sale or manufacture.
It may also be possible to engage with companies – for example, to assess how they are addressing issues of binge drinking.
A number of common investment funds, and other pooled inve 

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