Class, Section, Date Evidence against Acer Tree Service
It is vital that the varieties of daises are categorized and recognized as well as appropri-ately handled to preserve the veracity of the crucial evidence whereas making sure that important systems are not wrecked in the process. The authenticity of the evidence assembled is essential for determining the eventual outcome of data recovery and criminal cases. When analyzing evi-dence, the lawyers or legal practitioners should utilize the evidence that is available through the proper management and seizure at the scene (Bunting, 2012). Moreover, another equally crucial step is the debriefing procedure. This process is usually neglected when the forensic investiga-tion is being conducted. Debriefing is important in the forensic investigation since it ensures bet-ter efficiency in future investigations. When conducting a forensic investigation, the chief investigator is supposed to present his briefings using a debriefing form. To ensure all the details are addressed, the chief investiga-tor should take a debriefing form and do the following steps:  Write a study title.  Include the name of a person conducting the research and contact information, if perti-nent, for follow-up questions (Garrie & Morrissy, 2014).  Elaborate on what is researched (for instance, aim, hypothesis, and purpose). Use simple English that can be understood easily and avoid jargon.  Elaborate on how the participants of the forensic investigator were interviewed and grilled;  Elaborate on why you grilled the participants or suspects when carrying our forensic in-vestigation and whether it was necessary (Garrie & Morrissy, 2014).  Explain how the results of the of the forensic investigation will be evaluated.
 Provide the participants with an opportunity to withdraw their consent to participate or to withdraw their data from the study (Garrie & Morrissy, 2014).  Offer the participants or witnesses the opportunity to withdraw their consent to partici-pate in the investigation. This is important because it will ensure the participants will not claim that they were lured to provide information. Foreign investigation where the wit-ness is lured to prove the information is doomed to fail from the beginning.  If possible, elaborate on the observed or anticipated results so far.  Offer to avail the study results to the relevant authorities (Garrie & Morrissy, 2014).  Offer websites or references that people can refer to for further readings in the study.  Offer a list of resources or references that participants could seek if they become stressed after they have participated in the forensic investigation. According to the case study of Slatestone Land Development and Acer Tree Service, they face a criminal case. Gogolin (2012) observed that a criminal case is the one that usually in-volves private disputes between persons or organizations. Criminal cases involve an action that is considered to be harmful to the society as a whole. In the case study discussed, Acer Tree Ser-vice faces a criminal case of trespassing and destruction of private property. According to Gogolin (2012), trespassing into the private facility and destroying property is a criminal offense, and it is punishable by law. In this scenario, Slatestone Land Development contracted a company, Acer Tree Service, to clear land for 18 new homes. After a private owner complained of trees being cut from their property, my company was hired to investigate the communication between the companies above and the new homeowners in the form of emails and text messages dating one month before the
accident as no party involved asserted the responsibility for the decision of cutting the trees in question. To ensure a successful and edifying investigation is being conducted, the digital forensic incident response and analysis kit will be designed and presented. It is of the utmost importance that proper planning is executed to ensure the integrity of the evidence collected and the validity of the legal system (Garrie & Morrissy, 2014). If the proper procedure and steps are not followed when conducting the investigation, then the case may not have substantial evidence to prosecute the accused. Therefore, it is vital to ensure there is proper planning in place to seal all the loop-holes in the case. Day 1 - 2 Ensuring Physical Requirements for the Forensic Lab The first thing I will do is ensure that the lab where the data will be analyzed meets the requirements needed to maintain and secure the integrity of the data. The lab must be secured through installing various security measures; this helps to secure evidence from loss or corrupt damages. Lockers or storage rooms are necessary for safety evidence, and a secure locking sys-tem should be in place to ensure maximum safety. Ideally, the lab facility must have evid 

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