Explain the factors to be considered when planning the recruitment of individual to work at St-Patrick’s Nursing Home

1.1 Explain the factors to be considered when planning the recruitment of individual to work
at St-Patrick’s Nursing Home
As said by Jackson, Clare and Mannix1
, there are some major factors to be looked at for the
recruitment of the vacant positions, but not limited to them: (1) A comprehensive planning
recruitment policy, (2) Overall recruitment aim, (3) Core objectives of organisation, (4)
Organisations personnel policies, (5) Government policies, (6) Legislation for the selected
posts, (7) Cost of recruitment, and (8) Financial implications.
For St-Patrick’s Nursing Home, the most important factor to be considered is to define the
requirements for recruiting a candidate. At times, some opportunities are there to replace an
employee for achieving needs of the hospital. Thus, St-Patrick’s Nursing Home should first
justify and check it. It is necessary to the hospital that the requirement for the vacant
positions should be set out in the form of job role profile and person specification. A role
profile reveals employee’s capabilities and skills with the requirements of education and
working experience need to be delivered to effectively evaluate an individual during
interview. Furthermore, candidates’ technical knowledge and skills, overall behavioural
pattern and attitude, qualifications, past experience, certain demands, manual handling
capability, and much more, are need to be thoroughly considered while recruiting candidates
in the hospital.
Moreover, internal recruitment should be deliberated firstly, but if the St-Patrick’s Nursing
Home becomes failure in this procedure it will have to advertise for the empty position2
There are many approaches to advertising a post including internet, newspaper, job centre,
etc. Advertising is very important as it is the best way for attracting talented candidates.
Furthermore, St-Patrick’s Nursing Home should be more resilience to attract the capable
Besides these, St-Patrick’s Nursing Home needs to reflect on the cost of recruitment and
financial implications. According to many research studies, when a larger scale organisation
recruits a large number of employees on annual basis then it has to invest a large amount of
1 D. Jackson, J. Clare and J. Mannix, 'Who Would Want To Be A Nurse? Violence In The Workplace - A
Factor In Recruitment And Retention' (2002) 10 Journal of Nursing Management.
2 Kevin J. Armstrong and Heather Laschinger, 'Structural Empowerment, Magnet Hospital
Characteristics, And Patient Safety Culture' (2006) 21 Journal of Nursing Care Quality.
Page | 2
money for human resource. As an instance, an organisation has to take some fundamental
factors into consideration, like promotional (ad) charges, agency fees, travel cost expended by
employers and applicants, organisation’s recruitment cost, and so on.
1.2 Explain the relevant legislative and policy frameworks of the home country influence the
selection, recruitment, and employment of individuals to work in St-Patrick’s Nursing Home
All the countries across the world have its own specific legislative and policy frameworks the
influence the selection, recruitment and employment of people. So, it is necessary to the StPatrick’s Nursing Home that they strictly pursue such rules and regulations. In the United
Kingdom, the governing law provides equal rights and opportunities for all regardless of
gender, language religion, race and community.
In the UK, there are a number of legislative and policy frameworks that influence the
selection, recruitment and employment of individuals. Some major laws for St-Patrick’s
Hospital are: Sex Discrimination Act 1975, The Race Relation Act 1976, Employment Act
2008, Employment Policy & Legislation Employment Relations Act 20043
Employment Policy & Legislation Employment Act 2004 covers conflict resolution at work.
It also enhances the employment tribunal methods and covers equal wage as well.
Sex Discrimination Act 1975 protects individuals from any type of discrimination. Job
hunters usually face direct and indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination comprise
dismissing somebody due to a protected characteristic, deciding not to hire them, rejecting
them training, refuting them a promotion, or giving them antagonistic terms and conditions
all owing to a protected characteristic. Indirect discrimination takes place when practices,
procedures, and policies of an organisation have the effect of disfavouring people who share
specific protected characteristics.
The Employment Act 2008 reformed many issues from random elements of UK labour law. It
covers conflict resolution, strengthens implementation of the minimum wage and standards of
employment agency and to obey updated case law on trade unions.
St-Patrick’s Nursing Home intends to recruit a more diverse workforce that represents the
entire society. To accomplish this, the hospital should promote and support applications from
3 Kevin St 

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