Face-to-Face Communication

 Face-to-Face Communication
The text edited by Kappas and Krämer was published by Cambridge University Press that is run by the University of Cambridge. The book’s purpose is to disseminate knowledge with the aim of promoting education and research while maintaining a high level of excellence at the international stage (Kappas and Krämer 10). The authors’ intentions are to emphasize the importance of using face-to-face communication over other forms of interaction. To this end, the authors provide facts to support their claims. Their views are impartial and objective, language is free of bias, and words are aimed at stirring emotions. Moreover, the information in the publication comes from a review of existing literature. As such, it appears to be both valid and well-researched. Also, there is a list of references at the end of the book. Although some of the references are dated, they are taken from various journals such as the Journal of Communication and Cambridge University Press (Kappas and Krämer 203). It uses both primary and secondary resources as raw materials for its research process.

Following my analysis of various articles on communication, I think that people should communicate face-to-face more often. Face-to-face communication is more effective when compared to other forms of mediated interaction. Through their research, Bitti and Garotti determined that non-face-to-face communication “cannot count on a wide range of nonverbal signals that are of extreme importance for certain communicative processes” (82). From this perspective, it is evident that communication is more than just the vocal or written formation of words. Rather, it extends to other nonverbal cues, a factor that I found very critical in communication. As such, this quote influenced my opinion on the significance of face-to-face communication. Accordingly, when compared to other forms of interaction like texting and computer-mediated communication, face-to-face conversation is much more effective, as it allows one to assess mood, tone, and facial expressions of the other person.

Works Cited
Bitti, Pio Enrico Ricci, and Pier Luigi Garotti. "Nonverbal Communication and Cultural Differences: Issues for Face-To-Face Communication over the Internet." Face-To-Face Communication over the Internet: Emotions in a Web of Culture, Language, and Technology, edited by Arvid Kappas and Nicole C. Krämer, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 81-99.

Kappas, Arvid, and Nicole C. Krämer, editors. Face-To-Face Communication over the Internet: Emotions in a Web of Culture, Language, and Technology. Cambridge University Press, 2011.


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