Female Athlete Triad

 Female Athlete Triad


            Female athlete triad is characterized by low bone density, menstrual inconsistencies as well as low-energy levels in sportswomen and is often associated with disordered eating (Feingold and Hame 575). The condition can be diagnosed by examining clinical manifestations such as irregular menstrual cycle and general fatigue. The primary intervention for the female athlete triad involves pharmacologic treatment and an adjustment of energy availability and expenditure processes (Joy et al. 228). The disorder may affect sportswomen regardless of the intensity, duration, and type of physical activity they engage in. Active sports participants should be screened for early detection of the female athlete triad because, in most cases, the clinical outcomes of this condition are either only partially reversible or permanent (Feingold and Hame 581). The inter-relationship between osteoporosis, regulated calorie intake, and menstrual cycle changes may significantly compromise the performance of female athletes and cause adverse mental and physical health consequences including panic and anxiety disorders, in addition to the broken limbs (Feingold and Hame 575). For these reasons, examining the female athlete triad in terms of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment, as presented in this paper, will improve sports administrators’ capacity to formulate appropriate medical policies to identify the condition and seek help for affected sportswomen.

Explaining the Female Athlete Triad

            The rampant incidence of clinically diagnosed female athlete triad has been attributed to the increasing number of women taking part in physically intense sports which were initially male-dominated. It is important to note that the condition can also affect non-athletic females. Barrack et al. state that female athlete triad can be characterized by more than one symptom, including osteoporosis, amenorrhea, and eating disorders (949). However, Barrack et al. emphasize that the symptoms encompassed in the triad are too general (950). Thus, the authors propose more accurate indicators for identifying the at-risk population such as osteopenia, a strictly regulated calorie intake, and exercise-associated menstrual disturbances. Moreover, these scholars suggest that manifestations of the condition should be examined on a continuous spectrum to differentiate between possible causes of the symptoms experienced by the athletic and the non-athletic patients.

According to Feingold and Hame (576), sportswomen may try to lose weight to maximize their performances; however, many of them often have little knowledge regarding the foods that are recommended for their energy needs. Feingold and Hame (581) emphasize that in severe instances, selective or inadequate food intake may lead to bulimia or anorexia nervosa which are life-threatening conditions characterized by fluctuating body weight, broken blood vessels (especially in the eye), chronic dehydration, oral trauma, depression, and electrolyte imbalances.

            Patients may also suffer from amenorrhea or the cessation of menstruation due to decrease in the release of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), the luteinizing hormone, and estrogen (Joy et al. 230). Strenuous physical exercises, mental stress, and reduced calorie intake are significant contributors to irregular cycles, and in severe forms they may cause amenorrhea. However, it must be noted that missed menstrual periods in female athletes can be also caused by other medical conditions or pregnancy. Women affected by the female athlete triad usually associate the reduced or absent menstruations with durations of intense training, therefore, patients should regulate the time spent in challenging exercises to ease the severity of possible health consequences.

Lastly, osteoporosis in female athlete triad patients is usually caused by poor nutrition and lowered estrogen levels. The weakening of the bones can be a result of abnormal bone formation, injuries, stress fracture, and loss of density (Joy et al. 220). Naturally, an individual's bone mass is developed in his o her childhood and youthful years. Nevertheless, athletes who deprive themselves of calcium which play an important role in the bone formation may suffer the consequences throughout their adult years, including having increased likelihood of severe forms of arthritis.     


The diagnosis of the disease is often conducted by specialists such as the obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN), by screening sportswomen during preventive care visits (Joy et al. 224). The tests are often performed before and after taking part in a sporting activity. Physicians who manage patients suspected to be having female athlete triad collect weight gain or loss data from the athlete's teammates, coaches, friends, and parents. OB-GYNs can directly gather information from patients using structured questio 

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