
Feminism is a widely known movement, leaders of which managed to gain many political and social freedoms for women who live in the world of today, so they can feel comfortable with the state of things and their position in the society. Modern girls and women are allowed to lead the life that they find appropriate, but it wasn't the same way two or three centuries ago when the first wave of feminism broke out. Even today, some traditions and customs of some countries do not allow women to pursue careers or be involved in social or political life of their countries. Some customs deprive young women from the right to share what they think or wear their favorite clothes; they are forced to stay at home and wait for their husbands' return. The feminist movement isn't a movement of dissenters who decided to sin against the laws of the society, but rather a successful attempt to show the male population of the planet that women should be equal with men and enjoy the same freedoms and rights as males do.

This proposal aims at reviewing the historical background of the feminist movement from its early years and up till today, recollecting the most well-known leaders of the liberation movement, as well as stating the main concepts and features of the feminism, and how they assisted in changing the world and attitude to women, and tell about the men's role in the liberation movement. These goals are achieved due to extensive historical and social research, data collection and analysis to provide the necessary facts to support the topic of the paper.

When there is domination, oppression, racism, and inequality of any kind in any society that strives for equality of rights for everyone that is hypocrisy at its highest rate. It is the pressure on women that became unbearable at a certain point of time that became the ground zero for the women's rights struggle that was destined to change the world, three times to be exact. Nevertheless, before the women's liberation movement broke out, women were in the position that seemed to be quite normal and acceptable in the society at that time. Before the feminist movement, there were thousands and thousands of women who thought of themselves as abnormal and strange, to say the least, for all the thoughts of injustice and inequality that they had (Hooks 2). However, the majority of them had never even considered arguing against the existed system, least of all, to lead the others. This situation went on without changing up until the late 19th century when women decided that they deserved the right to vote alongside with men. That's when the first wave of feminism began, as women from different backgrounds, cultures, with diverse notions and concepts that they had about their rights united, to get their right to vote.

Time passed and the women's role in the society gradually changed when women won the right to vote, it was obvious that some other changes were necessary to improve statuses and roles of women in their societies. Unfortunately, given all the advancements of the modern world, all the freedoms that women have gained since then, many basic concepts of feminism, as well as its definition, have been lost somewhere along the way. The society is overwhelmed with various multiple problems that the society has to deal with on a daily basis that even women stay away from the notion that brought them the freedom that they have. There are many men who are unaware of true and genuine feminism movement goals and philosophy and who think of modern feminists as about those who hate all male representatives of the human species and consider getting close to one of them as bad luck or worse (Hooks 5). The more disappointing is the fact that some women think the same way as men do, but keep on using those rights and freedoms gained so hard.

As the old proverb goes, 'Many men many minds', and there are many ways that the same concept can be interpreted and understood. This dissertation proposal aims at reminding those who might forget and show to those who know nothing about main concepts, features, and men's role in the feminist movement. Its primary goal is to get acquainted people with those tendencies and freedoms that many of modern women use without giving much thought to how and why they got them, and to help change their mind, visualize and get the notion that any kind of oppression is unfortunate, and it is a fault trait of any society.

Historical Background of Feminism As We Know It Today
It is not a mystery that the feminist movement in its contemporary form has gone a long way and undergone changes in terms of policy, participants, concepts, and features to gain what feminists wanted to achieve. However, there is always a starting point of every deed, and the feminist movement also started with a very specific purpose that women from different backgrounds wanted to gain for themselves. Women and gender studies experts, as well as historians, acknowl 

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