Field Practicum Report: Building Community Capacity

 Field Practicum Report: Building Community Capacity
Part 1: Process Document
Duration	Tasks and Activities	Constrain Faced
Week 1 Mon-Fri	Planning: Reviewing sets of activities to be undertaken. Required items of the fieldwork were also noted. 
Sampling: Random sampling techniques opted for use on the target population	Planning consumes time
Week 2 Mon-Fri	Data Collection: This is the crucial part of the practicum. Activities included visiting the rehabilitation centers for the physically challenged persons within the community. Closed interview schedules were used for the sample in the support centers.	Uncooperative respondents
Week 3 Mon-Fri	Data Collection: Questionnaires were distributed to the target population after which they were collected after three days. Meanwhile, observation of the behavior of the respondents was noted. Also, the support systems for the physically challenged were assessed.	Biased information from support centers
Week 4 Mon-Fri	Data Analysis: The collected sets of data were carefully checked using Excel, after which analysis was conducted
Report Writing: A final report was written to conform to the findings of the study	Challenge of analyzing qualitative data.
Part 2: Final Detailed Report
Disability entails mental or physical impairments that alter the ability of an individual to carry out daily activities effectively. Most of the physically challenged persons receive support from the government, corporate and non-profit organizations (Lord & Stein, 2008). The initiatives and support rendered to disabled people are aimed at improving the lives of these people. Conversely, sustenance from the community is essential to enhance better lives for the persons with disabilities.

The disabled people are vulnerable to various life circumstances. They need help to improve the quality of life (Hall & Wilton, 2011). Thus, supporting the disabled would deter some of the life challenges that would predispose them to hazards and risks.

There are numerous responses associated with treatment of disabled people. Several inclusions are deemed necessary for the improvement of the quality of life outcomes for the physically challenged persons (Milner & Kelly, 2009). Some of these factors for considerations constitute loud pedestrian crossing so that those with ear impairments are not run over by traffic. In addition, destination announcement assists disabled persons with a hearing challenge. Doors with automated opening and closing are essential for the assistance of persons with hand disability. Level or the establishment of ramped pathways enables mobility of individuals with leg impairments, especially those in wheelchairs. Accessible toilets and braille can also serve as means to support persons with disabilities.

The community is integral in upholding the demands of the handicapped persons to ensure equality. The requirement of these essential factors inclines to the fundamental rights rendered to the persons with disability. They need to enjoy the same rights as those possessed by ordinary people. Conversely, the protection of these rights depends on the community. This is achieved through building community capacity (Lord & Stein, 2008). The latter refers to the ability of a community to develop, implement, as well as sustain actions integral to the physical, socio-cultural, and economic environment. This implies that the community establishes holistic mechanisms that aim to remove barriers and challenges, which entangle the lives of disabled persons. The community does it by devising workable concepts and strategies applied to support disadvantaged groups and populations. Therefore, improving the community capacity can be both viewed in the aspect of process or outcome of quality of life for people with disabilities.

Indeed, support for persons living with disabilities is appropriate to ensure that they enjoy mainstream support and services essential for ordinary living. This implies that equality must be considered to ensure that the physically challenged persons are not deprived of their rights. Precisely, the community is the determinant of the quality of life outcomes for the disable persons (Hall & Wilton, 2011). The community systems and settings are key to the better or worse quality of life outcomes for the disabled persons. Therefore, community planning needs to establish supportive services that improve the living conditions of disadvantaged groups.

Despite the efforts and campaigns on the improvement of lives of the disabled persons, several challenges have emerged. In some communities of the world, the disadvantaged groups are viewed with contempt. They are segregated in the provision of social services as they are considered inferior (Milner & Kelly, 2009). The communities’ attitude towards the disabled persons has altered the quality of life of these groups. Thus, the rights have been undermined. Negative attitude directed to these indivi 

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