Financial analysis

Financial analysis 
	The company experienced significant growth in the first years in the market. There was a marked increase in the number of people who were willing to buy Apple 2 since the company was the first one to create an affordable alternative to the computers that were being sold at the time.  Innovations and streamline supply chain led to the attainment of better growth and development in the years following the reentry of Steve Jobs in the company.  Therefore, using the data from early 2000s to date, the company finally managed to recover and avoid the precipice of bankruptcy.
	Using the sales as the measure of financial growth, the company can be seen to have attained sustainable growth over the years. The company has maintained double-digit growth in sales since 2002 with most of the sale increases being attributed to product line extension and inclusion of new way products. Major launches such as the IPad and the IPhone led to the development of a new market, which can be termed as a growth element.  Increased profitability was founded on massive increases in the product lines with the company gaining the most from revolutionary products such as the iPhone, which took the market, by storm.
	The company was able to post high profitability in the first years in operation mainly because it had been the revolutionary in the portable computers manufacturing. The first computer that was able to meet the needs of all the people can be traced to the company, which was founded for the common people. The introduction of Apple 2 computer led to more sales in the region leading to over one billion sales in the years that it was founded. However, with the introduction of other alternatives offering the same product and service offer, the company had to deal with more failures in the time. For the company, the majority of the products that it had developed did not meet the quality of the alternatives. For the IBM, the products were more effective and affordable. The use of Intel processors was a major determinant of the success level of the products. Therefore, the company could not compete effectively even after the botched up attempts to revamp the production and design. Lack of investment in design led to the worsening of the condition with the company losing out more to the external players.
	The turn in profitability came with the entrance of Steve Jobs back into the company after the board had engineered a coup and ousted him ten years before. The period came when the company had been under the risk of failure with the majority of the investments failing. Extensive product lines coupled with operational inefficiencies led to the development of difficulties for the company with the entire company failing to live up to the expectations. The profitability during the year had been negative with the net income being -816 million dollars.  For some of the people, they expected that the company had reached its hiatus and it could just die alongside the rest of the innovation technology based organizations. 
	However, with the reentrance of Steve Jobs into the industry, the company had hopes of reviving its goal of continued growth. The company quickly recovered from the market. The introduction of the new products such as the iPod led to the realization of new levels of success that the system had not realized. The dedication of the new head of the company towards design and simplicity may have saved the company from the imminent failure. 
	In 2002, the company posted lower profits of only 65 million dollars. The income may have been caused by the decision of the company to change the operating system and revamp it entirely. Slow uptake of the new operating system led to the reduction in sales. At the time, the company also had invested in research and development with some of the projects failing to live up to the expectations. However, as the new product was adopted and Intel processors became the new norm, the company witnessed increased profitability again leading to the realization of the more gains for the company. Since the introduction of Intel based iMacs, the company was able to produce faster and lighter computers. The new computers were effective in meeting the demand while appealing to the special relationship that the company had with the consumers. The only instance when the company witnessed a dip in the profitability was in 2014 when the company had a 2 billion dip in the net income.
	The main source of success for apple after the entry of Steve Jobs was the extreme changing of the supply chain. The supply chain had been inefficient before the entry of the founder. The company found itself sustaining different product lines even though most of the lines were bleeding more cash from it. Therefore, there was no possibility of the company becoming more efficient. With the above assessment in mind, the then operati 

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