
The purpose of this essay is to analyze an existing problem in the Foxconn factory which needs the attention of the senior management in general and that of the Human Resource Department more specifically. The human resource department of any organization plays a very crucial part in the success of the organizations. The correct actions of the Human resource department helps in keeping the internal employees happy and motivated to perform their tasks with proficiency and dedication and thus proves to be vital for the organization in achieving their respective organizational objectives and targets. The next parts of the report highlights the problem which is faced by Foxconn factory in China which is related to the safety concerns of the work force which is employed in the factory. An action plan along with recommendations have been provided to take the necessary corrective action in order to overcome the existing problem faced by the senior management and the Human Resource Department of Foxconn factory (Donavan 2004).
In present-day, a vast of management issues has raised concentration of the world, and these issues have effect on each event happened in company’s operation. The arguments of people about this problems are vary, some people consider that companies face the issues about employee unrest, frequent industrial action, high absenteeism, workplace harassment, low morale, loss of profit, sabotage and so on. In the essay, the problem of organisations in terms of the observable or measurable symptoms it manifests is discussed. In addition, it would also consider and analysis the issues in terms of material drawn from any two different topics (Wirtz 2003).
Background of the company
Foxconn is a Taiwanese Multinational electronics manufacturing company headquartered in Taiwan. It is the world’s largest maker of electronic components and the largest exporter in China, Foxconn is primarily an original design manufacturer and its clients include major American, European and Japanese electronics and information technology companies. Notable products which company manufacture include the IPAD, I-PHONE, kindle, PS3,Wii and XBOX360 (Kasper 2002).
Foxconn has been involved in several controversies, mostly relating to how it manages employees in China, where it is the largest private- sector employer (Hoffer 2001).
Description of the Problem
Problems associated with the safety concerns of the employees at Foxconn factory
The identified problem relates to the suicidal tendencies of the employees at Foxconn factory in China. The immense workload and the long working hours led to the employees deciding to end their lives as they were unable to deal with the ghastly working conditions. This was reported in 2010 when 18 Foxconn workers jumped off the building of the factory premises and 10 out of them ended their lives. To add to this, in 2011 an explosion in the Foxconn factory led to 4 deaths and injured more than 15 workers. Thus, the main point of the problem identified is the safety of the workers who are employed by the Foxconn factory. Most of the workers employed at Foxconn factory are from a young age group who often leave their homes in search for a living. The curiosity of the youngsters to be a part of the Foxconn factory is indeed impeccable as they line and queue up in huge numbers on the day when recruitment is announced at the factory. The workers who are young decide to take up accommodation at the factory premises itself so that they are able to report on time and also save upon travelling and commuting costs. The problem of immense dissatisfaction amongst the employees as far as the organizational practices is concerned (Howarth 2004).
It was not just about one particular employee which could have been seen as an exception, it was a binding decision of many employees which clearly implies that the senior management at Foxconn paid no heeds to the requirements of the employees which lead the employees take up such a disastrous decision. One can only think of sparing a thought for the families whose young children were involved in the whole incident. Being compassionate with them is utterly desirable for both the government of the country of China as well as the senior management of the Foxconn factory in order to avoid such unfortunate incidents in the future (Schlesinger 1991).
Analysis of the Problem
The main problem arises from the fact that Foxconn factory has to meet the delivery requirements and the pressure on the employees is so much so that workers at Foxconn factory are often required to work overtime. Although, there is adoption of a fair work policy which clearly states that none of the workers are required to work more than 60 hours in a week. However, the Foxconn factory is generally seen making the employees work for more than 72 hours of duration in a week. The employee’s work is very monotonous and hence the workers are often seen catching a nap in the middle 

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