Global Communication

 Global Communication
Communication is described as the process of exchanging information across different
people and places. Vasilchenko and Morrish (2011) established that the success of an
organization is dependent on the effectiveness of the communication strategies applied.
Development of useful communication strategies is essential in reducing misunderstandings
among stakeholders drawn from different cultures and countries. The major parties involved in
the process must join hands to work together in defining appropriate communication strategies
through the creation of feasible communication management plan. With globalization being the
latest trend, companies have opted to introduce global communication strategies purposely to
enhance their competitiveness in the market. Multinational companies such as Coca-Cola,
Microsoft, and Pepsi-Cola try to reach out to their clients across different continents through
words in order to educate, engage, encourage, and promote their products and services using
well-outlined global communication strategies. However, the fundamental question revolves
around the key considerations for an effective global communication strategy. Some of these
elements are discussed below.
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The first factor that determines the effectiveness of the global communication strategy of
an organization concerns how the identified strategy aligns to the business goals of the
corporation under consideration. The chosen strategies of reaching out to the global audience and
stakeholders of the organization must be one that maximizes the value of the firm. It is important
for the global communication approaches not to conflict the market research, profitability, and
revenue management objectives of the corporation. In the view of Hollenbeck, Zinkhan, French,
and Ji Hee (2009), the global communication planning must be aimed at realizing meaningfu 

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