
Google is a highly recognized American multinational company that was established in 1998 and deals in technology. The specialisations of the company realise upon internet-based products and services which includes the search engine, e-wallets, internet advertisements, cloud services, computing, software development and many other such operations (About Us, 2017).

The primary aim of this study is to recognize and critically analyse the mission and vision statement of google in order to understand the leadership style adopted by Google. Moreover, the study also aims to understand and recognise the strategies that are most effectively aligned with the adopted leadership style of Google. The study also uses the approach of strategic decision making in order to critically analyse organisation’s structure and study the strategies used by it to maintain a competitive advantage in high fast paced and technically innovative industry.

Analyse vision and mission statement of Google

Google presents its powerful position in the market with the help of its vision and mission statement. The vision statement and mission of the organisation has guided it since beginning to achieve their future goals and the organisation and its members are still keen on following them to maintain their competitive advantage in future as well. Google is amongst the most valuable brands in the world and its mission statement signifies the focus of their business strategies to develop new and more products every now and then. Similarly, the vision statement of Google helps it to look forward into future and achieve new altitudes with rapid innovations (Grant, 2016).

Google has its vision statement quoted as “to provide access to information of the world in just a single click”(Thompson, 2017). It is noted that manifestation of the vision statement of the organisation can be noticed in its business and decision-making strategies. For a better understanding of the statement, it can be exemplified form Google’s most popular product, Google Search engine that it is solely dedicated to providing everyone with information from across the globe in just one click. Google is dedicated to fulfilling its vision statement as it is fulfilling its vision of providing anybody and everybody with any and every kind of information present in the world. The company maintains the diverse and vast database in order to fulfil its vision. Google has made its search engine free of cost and available on World Wide Web to be accessed by everyone who uses computing device with internet connection across the globe. The company’s vision consists of the variable to provide information on just a click which company accomplishes by providing multiple links to the searched information on single click by users in a matter of milliseconds (). Therefore, it can be claimed that Google effectively follows its vision statement.

Google’s mission statement says, “To organise and make information from the world accessible and useful universally” (Thompson, 2017). Since beginning the focus of Google has been to develop proprietary algorithms which could increase its effectiveness and in today’s time as well the google is trying to develop programs that could further increase its performance and ensure access of information to the people. Googles Mission statement goes hand in hand with its vision statement. The mission statement of Google focuses on four words, information, accessible, organise and useful. It can be noted that the people can get information from the world by simply accessing and scrolling across web pages. The company is dedicated to organising the database and information it has collected by using effective algorithms and programs. Google provides free services worldwide so it fulfils its promise of being universally accessible (Lindh & Nolin, 2016). By accomplishing all the focuses of its mission statement, Google also makes the information searched through it more sensible and useful. Therefore it can be stated that Google effectively follows its mission statement. It can also be accessed that Google uses Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies for accomplishing its mission and vision statements (Brabazon, 2016).

Assessment of approach used by Google to strategic decision making.

Google is a highly structured organisation, organised from bottom up, it denoted that at Google, employs present at all the level of operations plays very important roles in process of development of strategies. Google provides its employees with a dynamic and democratic atmosphere where decentralized authorities often make strategic decisions (Galbraith, 2014).  The strategic development process at Google is becoming more dynamic, flexible and project-based and is planned in aggregationwith the bottom-up emergent process. Google has adopted the method of experimentation and learning or logical incrementalism as core methodology for developing str 

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