Graduate School Application Essay

Graduate School Application Essay
I consider myself a lifelong learner because my educational background includes a degree
in Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Communications. I have fully used what I have learned
from that course in my internship, and I still keep garnering work experiences in news, film
television, commercials, and theatre. I realize how essential education is in the acquisition and
development of skills needed in a desired career.
I am aware that I have acquired a lot of skills from my Broadcast Journalism and
Communication background, but I am confident that I have yet a lot to learn if I am to embark in
my chosen career in Public Relations and Advertising. Pursuing further studies in Professional
Media Practice would definitely help me with the knowledge and professionalism demanded in
the field.
First and foremost, I would like to learn what is needed to become a professional media
worker. I definitely want to be a responsible one, who gives priority to the best interests and
welfare of his audience and the rest of the clientele. As a professional in the sphere, I am
instrumental in providing information to people. In essence, I am there to educate through
various media, specifically in the area of Public Relations and Advertising. I think this is the best
way to introduce people to a new subject.
Specializing in media skills and theory is basically a stepping stone to a successful career
in Public Relations and Advertising. The globalization effort of most companies and
organizations necessitates the use of media in reaching out to people. The technical skill in the
use of various media is basic to any media practitioner. However, I am truly interested in
professionalizing the practice. I question myself how to carry oneself in front of people, how to
treat clients professionally, how to deliver information with truth and integrity, how to make a 
presentation that will attract more clients, and what ethical considerations to implement in media
practices. These and many others are the questions burning in my mind which I intend to quench
in my future studies.
In return, I shall contribute my best efforts as a student performing my duties and
responsibilities in compliance with course requirements. This includes thorough research on my
part and handing in quality work. Further, I shall apply whatever new knowledge I gain to my
daily encounters with people, as I know this is the best way to find out how effectively I put
theory to practice.
As a self-declared lifelong learner, I intend to optimize my knowledge and skills by being
vigilant in seeking opportunities to hone them. Attending seminars, reading books and articles
related to my chosen field of expertise, meeting people who have extensive experiences in PR
and Advertising, immersing myself in various media environments and being mentored by
seasoned practitioners are avenues I shall take in my journey. These all will help me to learn
more and eventually become an expert in PR and Advertising Media. Being accepted in the
program will be my initial success. I shall cherish this privilege by making the university proud
of having produced a media practitioner who truly makes a difference to people’s lives. 

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