Healthcare Data and Information Security Framework

 Surname 1
Your topic: Healthcare Data and Information Security Framework
Your desired style of citation: MLA Referencing
Your educational level: Guaranteed First Class
Refrencing Style: MLA Referencing
Number of page: 56
Words: 14000
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[Writer Name]
Healthcare Data and Information Security Framework in Saudi Arabia
I would take this chance to thank my family, friends and research supervisor for their support and guidance
which enabled me to accomplish this task of writing my first dissertation on a topic of my interest and
Surname 3
Its hereby declared that this document is solely my personal work and that, to the best of my confidence
and knowledge, it contains no content formerly published or written through another writer nor material
which to a considerable amount has been recognised for the obligation of any other degree or diploma of
an University or institution of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement is established.
Surname 4
My dissertation work is dedicated to my friends and my family. A distinct feeling of thankfulness to my
loving partner, whose care, encouragement and reinforcement enabled me to stretch in difficult times and
remain focus.
Surname 5
IT Information Technology
HIMS Health Information Management System
HIS Health Information System
MOH Ministry of Health
KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
USA United States of America
HIM Health Information Management
EHR Electronic Health Records
WHO World Health Organisation
UAE United Arab Emirates
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
PC Personal Computer
EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse
PCP Primary Care Provider
EMR Electronic Medical Record
PAM Patient Activation Measure
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
QoS Quality of Service
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
EHR Electronic Health Record
LAN Local Area Network
VPN Virtual Private Network
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
Surname 6
DC Data Centre
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
ICT Information and Communications Technology 
Surname 7
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................2
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................12
1.1 Research Purpose........................................................................................................12
1.2 Research Background ..................................................................................................12
1.3 Research Problems...........................................................................................................14
1.4 Research Aim ...............................................................................................................15
1.5 Research Objectives ....................................................................................................15
1.6 Research Questions .....................................................................................................15
1.7 Rationale and Significance ...........................................................................................16
1.8 Proposed Structure.......................................................................................................17
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................18
2.1 The Concept of Health Information Management.........................................................18
2.2 The Concept of Healthcare Data and Information Security ..........................................27
2.3 Healthcare Data and Information Security Risks in Hospitals ......................................28
2.3.1 The Saudi Scenario...............................................................................................29
2.3.2 King Fahad Medical City .......................................................................................32
2.4 Strategies for the Protection of Healthcare Data in Saudi Hospitals ............................32
2.5 Do healthcare organisations implement Information security standards?.........................33
2.6 Knowledge of Security Equipment ....................................................................................35
2.7 Lack of experience in the new threats and wa 

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