High School English Language

 Running Head: High School English Language
What I Did With My Time Over The Summer Holidays
I chose a narrative essay as my term paper type, and my topic is about what I did
over the summer holidays. In my essay, I explain what I did, what I thought about
what I did, and how my summer mishaps may have shaped my thinking and
maybe the path I take in life.
Essay Body
My summer holidays began with a very deep yearning for a new game called
Pokemon Go. It is a game where players are encouraged to go outside and explore
in order to find Pokemon monsters to capture. After trying to download and install
the game on my phone, I discovered it was not powerful enough to hold the
game. I then tried it on my tablet, I tried to have it installed on my PC, and I tried
to install it on my father’s tablet. Sadly, the game would not install and run on any
of the devices I had free access to. That was a big problem for me because I had
become obsessed with the game at this point. I spent several hours per day
watching people play the game and talk about the game on YouTube and I
become more and more obsessed with playing it.
I would have to find and spend over 700 in order to buy a phone that is able to
play the Pokemon Go game. On two occasions, I visited a phone shop with the
honest intention of stealing a phone to play the game, but I was never given the
chance to get my hands on a new phone in order to steal it. I also considered
buying a new phone on eBay and then revoking the e-cheque via PayPal, but it
turns out that the new PayPal protocols make it very difficult for people like me to
rip off sellers. For example, I considered claiming that the phone didn’t turn up,
but all the sellers I approached were going to send the phone via signed delivery,
so I couldn’t pretend the phone didn’t arrive.  

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