How can McDonald's tackle performance related problems?

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
 The introduction of the dissertation covered the background of the research along with the
statement of the problem to be studied. This chapter shed light over the research questions and
aims behind the research. It also provided the rationale and significance of the research.
Additionally, this section of the dissertation looked into the reliability, validity and ethical
considerations associated with the research.
1.2 Outline of the Study
Employees Evaluation is an important concept related to an effective workforce
management. This study aimed to discuss the aspects of employees’ performance evaluation and
its impact on employee development within McDonald's. The researcher has adopted systematic
layouts for the study which aimed to develop an easy understanding about the ways and means of
evaluating employee performance and its impact on the development and growth of employees
within the organization. The study began with developing a literature review on the subject
followed by the methodology that incorporated questionnaires and interview analysis for gauging
the management practices related to the theme at McDonald's. The findings of the research are
then discussed and useful recommendations are made at the end.
1.3 Background of the Research
 The responsibility of analyzing the process of management in relation to the objective to
generate and make services and goods is on performance management. It does not matter if we 
are talking about corporate of SME (Small & Medium Enterprise); the objective of the business
to act upon in a productive manner is by keeping the managing operations. There are extensive
difficulties in the manufacturing domain, complication process involved in planning and
production of goods and services, the development, which is tracked by organizing and
spreading the various lines of product, if relevant. A very important part in the operations
management is success and competence in the production process; this means that time, cost and
quality are extremely important for operational management (Donald Waters et al, 1999, 103-
This study is based on evaluating the effectiveness of performance management and
evaluation in terms of its impact on employee productivity. A theoretical framework is provided
for this research which was reinforced by the administration and discussions based on interviews
and questionnaires. The key purpose was to evaluate the main mechanisms of employee
evaluation programs for performance and its potential impact on the professional and personal
development of the employees.
1.4 Aims and Objectives of Research
Defining the aims and objectives of this study helped in directing the work to a specific
approach and developing an understanding about the topics that should be particularly analyzed.
The plan behind this project was to analyze those theories that was created and was accessible in
the latest literature in relation to two major topics of Human Resource Management:
Performance Evaluation and Motivation; and it was required to compare them along with the
behaviour of the personnel who, in that environment, is the focus of the performance
management practices.
The objectives mentioned in this research were based on the concept of SMART.
According to Stephen Covey, goals provide a path for a career ladder and goals must be smart
(Covey, 1989, 119).
S= Specific
M= Measurable
A= Achievable
R= Rational
T= Time-bounded
Many researchers investigated the implications of goal setting and developed varying
contexts to help the employees realize its value and importance.
The present study seemed:
 To evaluate what was Performance Evaluation and what activities were involved
with evaluating employees at McDonald's.
 To examine if performance management affected the employee productivity at
 To assess up to what extent it could affect the performance and what were the
approaches that are employed by McDonald’s to improve workers’ productivity
and provided them scope for personal development and growth.
1.5 Problem Statement
This research was based on finding ways in which Performance Evaluation programs of
McDonald's caused an impact upon the employees’ personal and professional development. 
1.6 Limitations
The following factors acted as research limitations for this study:
1. Time constraints
2. Difficulties in accessing information
3. Researcher’s personal biasness
 1.7 Ethical Considerations: Informed Consent and Confidentiality
 The potential harmful effects were known by the researcher, the method that was chosen
to deal with these circumstances was taken only when the consultation with colleagues and other
experts had taken place. The topic was made available by the researcher when the concerned
authorities had given their complete consent with the required justifications. The research was
made into an 

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