The present-day civilization indicates that technology plays a central role in shaping the society. Recent advances in technology like the Internet suggest that the society will be even more dependent on technology in the future than today. Trends such as 3D printing, drones, robots and quantum computing also have major implications on the future role of technology in the society. These examples and other technologies will be ubiquitous in the coming decades; these technologies also promise a profound impact on mankind. This study explores how technology will change our lives as a society in twenty years by examining five key tenets of development which are economy, education and learning, security, and social and cultural practices. The study shows that technology will enhance the living standards of the society by impacting on these five elements of the society. Technology will be a major driver for economic development in the next two decades. Robotic technology is fast becoming commonplace in businesses, households and government entities. This technology drives efficiency in the production of goods by minimizing errors akin to human labor (Teich, 2009). Other technologies that have artificial intelligence capability will also support production in unprecedented ways. 3D printing will facilitate small-scale production, thus providing households with access to affordable and effective solutions to a variety of needs. The resulting efficiency of production will positively impact the global economic development. The incomes of households will increase as a result of the increase in productivity. Technology will continue to transform education and learning in the future. Many previous arguments on the role of technology in education suggested that advances in technology would replace traditional classroom learning within a short period (Lee, 2002). These predictions HOW TECHNOLOGY WILL CHANGE OUR LIVES 3 have not yet happened because technology, for the most part, is complementing traditional classroom learning. In twenty years, however, the role of traditional classroom settings will be significantly reduced. Teleconferencing and similar applications of information and communication technologies will enable institutions to simulate traditional classroom settings without actual physical structures. New technologies will also change the nature of learning by allowing access to vast sources of knowledge. Technology will be a key element in fostering security in the society in twenty years. Recent technologies like the Internet pose major challenges to the individual security of people. Despite these challenges, technology will enable the society to ensure security in different ways. Some government agencies have already embraced technology in the form of drones to fight crime (Andreas, 2003). This technology will eventually reach households and serve as precautionary measures. People will use drones and robots to vacate buildings in the event of fires or criminal attacks. Similarly, government agencies around the globe will embrace drones and similar technologies to enforce the rule of law while addressing concerns over security. Trends in technology have major implications for both private and social life in the coming decades. Current technologies like social media offer insights into the future of social interactions. Technologies like virtual reality will encourage people to use technology-driven social media at the expense of face-to-face meetings as a way of socializing. These technologies will further integrate the various world cultures through globalization. Technological progress also implies that people will become more dependent on technology in the next two decades (Lee, 2002). This dependence will give rise to risks such as failure of social functionality. HOW TECHNOLOGY WILL CHANGE OUR LIVES 4 Overall, technology will enhance both private and social life of individuals. Technology will indeed significantly influence the society in twenty years. Existing and new technologies will foster development in the society by impacting on the economy, education and learning, security, and social and cultural practices. This impact will enhance the living standards of people around the globe. HOW TECHNOLOGY WILL CHANGE OUR LIVES 5 References Andreas, P. (2003). Redrawing the line: borders and security in the twenty-first century. International Security, 28(2): 78-111. Lee, R. K. (2002). Impacts of Information Technology on Society in the new Century. Retrieved 20 August, 2015 from Teich, H. A. (2009). Technology and the Future. New York: Wadsworth.

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