Human Resource Development

Topic : Human Resource Development
Paper Type : Assignment
Word Count : 4500 Words
Pages : 18 pages
Referencing Style : Harvard Referencing
Education Level: Masters
Human Resource Development
[Writer Name]
[Institute Name]
Human Resource Development
The human resource management is the set of policies and practices that an organization
puts in place to have a knowledgeable staff. The human resource management is divided into two
broad categories of activities: personnel administration and human resource development. The
most valuable resource that every human being has is his own person. And the most valuable
asset of a company is the human factor. If increases and perfects the human factor, both the
individual and the company highly benefited out. Training and development is a process that is
related to the improvement and growth of skills of individuals and groups within the
organization. By educating the individual invests in itself, increases its capacity (Werner, &
DeSimone, 2011).
This paper aims to discuss human resource development (HRD) as the integrated use of
training and development, organisation development and career development to improve
individual, group and organisational effectiveness. Proper work of HR Development and
Training with Production-Operations that people get up the company are able to transmit
information efficiently, communicate well with others, work in teams and know how to lead and
motivate teams. It is said that the development of human resources is the basis of socio-economic
development and a factor of economic growth. By offering youth and unskilled workers to
receive training and education, a country is a progressive labour, skilled and high-level work.
The development of human resources plays an important role in the economic development of a
country contributing to job creation, encouraging entrepreneurship by boosting competitiveness. 
Human Resource Development
Increasingly organizations are produced in technological, organizational, productive or
commercial that cause the need for rapid adaptation of the professional profiles of its human
resources. On other occasions, the need for adaptation is caused by the low level occupational
training for the high turnover of staff. In any arena, the reality is that organizations invest, every
day, more resources and are constantly on the search for alternatives in the development of
pedagogical and technological processes, focused on improving the training of their employees
(Vredenburgh, & Shea-VanFossen, 2010).
The development of the workforce, now commonly known as human resource
development, is an ongoing process that analyzes the requirements, forecasts and projects the
organization's future human resource. In other words, human resource development focuses on
issues such as whether the organization is ready to compensate for the loss of the experience of
employees who retire and whether employees are adequately prepared to implement
organizational change (Werner, & DeSimone, 2011). The human resource development is a
process that seeks to optimize the use of human resources in the organization. It needs an
incorporated method that deals with the international characteristics of employees, varying from
getting better mechanical and interpersonal skills for imaginative and innovative thinking and
leadership. Organizations with high levels of output have made the development of human
resources in an integral part of its corporate culture (Murphy, & Garavan, 2009). 
Importance of Human Resource Development
When nations and firms allocate resources to develop their workforce, the benefits are not
only made by the workers. The human resources department helps an organization to its
development by assessing the changing needs of the organization and equipping workers with
the necessary tools. Although employees may be the direct beneficiaries of the program of
development, such as tuition reimbursement and additional training, the companies win in the
short and long term as well (Daley, et. al. 2010).
 Economies of Scale
The human resource development helps an organization to achieve economies of scale.
This occurs when the firm produces goods at the lowest price possible as a result of its capital
operates at peak efficiency. Capital includes machinery, equipment and employees. The human
resource development reinforces the skill set and knowledge of workers, allowing them to
increase their production or develop new and innovative products (Murphy, & Garavan, 2009).
Thus, the company reduces the cost of production when workers have a strong set of skills with
which to do their work. The human resources department plays a pivotal role in ensuring this
benefit by finding suitable workers for positions in addition to designed resumes; human
resources determine the intangible attributes such as attitude and willingness to l 

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