Human Resource Management

 Human Resource Management 1
Topic : Human Resource Management
Paper Type : Assignment
Word Count : 3000 Words
Pages : 12 pages
Referencing Style : Harvard Referencing
Education Level: Masters
[Human Resource Management]
[Author Name]
[Institute Name]
Human Resource Management 2
Every field has gained advancement in order to meet the need of time. Management has become
an art with systematic methodology. A very innovative type of management which is spreading
and prevailing in the organizations is Human Resource Management. An organization cannot
put together a good team of working professionals without good Human Resources. Aristotle
told us that ‘the whole is more than the sum of its parts’, this is certainly true when it comes to
having all managers fully understanding the organization’s recognized company arrangement
and ensuring the alignment of management thinking… simply the process of ensuring that all
managers are working and driving the organization in the same direction (Wright & Goodstein,
2007). There human resource management is significantly necessary for the development of
managerial skills.
Human Resource Management
Human resource management is the arrangement of employees and their work in an organization,
it is the science related to human and its allocation in the workplace. Simply we can say it the
management of human or people. HRM is a managerial system that tries to meet organizational
needs to the potentials and capabilities of its workers. The responsibility of HRM is to handle
people at work. This department is also responsible for bringing people in organization assisting
them perform their work, compensating them for work and dealing with problems. HRM plays
important role in forming organizations and serving them survive. Our world is an organizational
world (Stahl,,2012). 
Human Resource Management 3
Personnel Management
Personnel management is a part of human resource management. It is defined as obtaining, using
and maintaining a satisfied workforce. Though it is a significant part of HR management, it is not
whole in functionality. Managing employee or system performance and aligning their objectives
facilitates the effective delivery of strategic and operational goals. There is a clear and immediate
correlation between using performance management programs or software and improved
business and organizational results. It inculcates the process of planning, organizing and
maintenance of employees. This department of management only report, advice and assist line
manager for personnel matters (Bach,2009).
Development of Personnel Management
The extensively important role of personnel management is the transformation of it’s into HRM
with thicker functionalities. It has functions from one of concentrating on employee welfare to
managing employee, which meets organizational and individual goals with intrinsic and extrinsic
rewards. Therefore, HRM is the change and diverse form of personnel management. Although it
has been suggested that HRM may be no more than 'old style personnel management with a new
name' Storey identifies four features of HRM which distinguish it from traditional personnel
 It is explicitly linked with corporate strategy.
 It seeks to obtain the commitment of employees rather than their compliance.
 Employee commitment is obtained through an integrated approach to human resource
policies (for example, reward, appraisal, selection, and training). 
Human Resource Management 4
 Unlike personnel management, which is primarily the domain of specialists, HRM is
owned by Line managers as a means of fostering integration (Bach,2009).
Personnel Management changes in context of HRM
Personnel management is a principally administrative record-keeping function that intends to
establish and maintain even-handed terms and conditions of employment, while human resource
management puts together the traditional personnel management functions to shared goals and
strategies, and performs additional people centred executive developmental actions. The capacity
of personnel management include functional actions such as manpower planning, recruitment,
job analysis, job evaluation, payroll administration, performance appraisals, labour law
compliance, training administration, and related tasks (Gilbert, 2012). Human resources
management includes all these activities plus organizational developmental activities such as
direction, inspiration, mounting organizational culture, communication of shared values, and the
similar. Personnel management keeps aloof from central organizational activities, functions
independently, and takes a reactive approach to changes in corporate goals or strategy. Human
resource management keeps integrated with corporate strategy and takes a proactive approach to
align the workforce toward achievement of corporate goals (Lengnick-Hall, 

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