identify a key operations management issue in not-for-profit organisation in Melbourne Victoria


The objective of this report is to identify a key operations management issue in not-for-profit organisation in Melbourne Victoria by the name ‘Eastern Volunteers’. The report identifies the current issues which the not-for-profit organisation is facing and provides recommendations to bring upon a change in the same by the virtue of recommendations that are included in the report.
The report begins with brief background information of the not-for-profit organisation and then moves on to discuss the internal environment of the not-for-profit organisation. Further, the concept of the operations management has been applied to gain deeper understanding of the specific issues which the not-for-profit organisation is facing in the contemporary times. The last parts of the report provide a set of recommendations, which can be used by the organisation to overcome the identified shortcoming. The report ends with a brief conclusion that ties the contents of the report together (Berry 1992).
Background Information of the Company
Eastern Volunteers was originally incorporated in the year 1976 under the name Volunteers unlimited. Their primary objective is to provide transportation services to the old aged, needy, and disabled people, especially in those areas where public transport is relatively weaker. These parts include the outer suburbs of Melbourne and other areas.
Specific Operational Issue
The main operations issue that the not-for-profit organisation “Eastern Volunteers” is facing relates to creation of a schedule that allows them to ferry more service users per trip. This is more significant because the organisation is limited by funds, and, also, the number of volunteers, drivers, and vehicles is fixed; hence, judicious use of the resources is desirable. Although the organisation deals in providing a number of other activities as well, this report only discusses the transport service and the related issues for the purpose of simplicity (Whitford 1998).
A Flow Chart of the Operations of the Organisation

(Eastern Volunteers 2013)
A Situational Analysis of the Operations in the organisation
The main issue that concerns the organisation relates to the fact that they are limited by the number of vehicles, the number of drivers, and, also, the number of volunteers that make 

Speed:	The resolution to the above-identified issue would increase the level of efficiency of Eastern Volunteers services and will also reduce the time per request. Hence, performance is likely to be improved when a proper resolution is achieved.
Flexibility:	The issue discussed above involves a great degree of flexibility as the plans of the service users can never be anticipated or planned. The management would always have to be proactive to be able to manage adequately.
Dependability:	The trust of the service users is directly contingent upon the quality of the service they receive. Hence, the service users are depending upon Eastern Volunteers in order to avail their respective services.
Quality:	It has to be ensured that in order to save on two trips, the quality of the service experienced is not affected. The volunteer drivers must not show a sign of panic that they are in a hurry to take the other service user as well from another location. Thus everything should be planned in a comprehensive manner, and in the case of a service user not agreeing to share the vehicle, it should not be forced upon him or her.
Costs:	The primary objective of providing a resolution to this issue is the fact that it will result in saving extra costs involved for the organisation. Hence, it is directly related to improving the performance of the organisation (Eastern Volunteers 2013)

Changes to Performance and Outcome
The changes would be to make aware the service that they are encouraged to book a servics
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