Impact of work motivation on employee performance: A comparative study of Chinese small medium enterprise

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Impact of work motivation on employee performance: A comparative study of
Chinese small medium enterprise
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Working on this research has been a great source of learning, but this would have been high
difficult without proper support and guidance. Therefore, I would like to thank my supervisor for
the valuable suggestion and guidance provided to me throughout my thesis. Whenever, I needed
help, my supervisor came up with the solution which helped me in writing my report and assist
me whenever I needed the help and provided the sources of valuable literature regarding my
thesis. I would like to thank all the respondents for helping me in the questionnaires. Without
their help I would have not been able to complete my thesis on time. I am thankful to my family
for their support and all friends who helped me in my report and gave valuable suggestions
whenever I needed. I would sincerely thank my friends, who helped me conducting the survey
for the analysis. Without them the data collection would have been impossible
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This dissertation aimed to identify and develop an effective incentive mechanism for the medium
and small-sized technology-based companies in China through comparing different incentive
theories and factors. The required data of this research is obtained using various sources, mainly
primary and secondary data signifies the type of data. In order to test the assumptions made in
this research, questionnaire has been used as the quantitative data collection tool. For qualitative
data, interview method has been used. Moreover, a number of secondary data sources have been
used in this research such as, EMERALD, EBESCO Host, and Google Scholars. For this study,
all medium and small-sized technology-based companies are said to be the population and every
company operating under this specification has been considered as the population. However, the
sample has been selected by narrowing down the topic even further. As in this study, Science and
Innovation Center in Suzhou, China has been selected as the case organization and the sample is
selected from the employees who work in the companies located in this area. The sample size
decided for questionnaire survey is 260 employees, whereas interviews will be conducted from
20 employees. To analyze the gathered discourses analysis is used especially for the qualitative
data. Furthermore, since this research also comprises of quantitative data, hence separate analysis
methods have been used to analyze numeric data obtained as a result of questionnaire. After the
collection of data, analysis methods like descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, variance
analysis and regression analysis will be used to analyze the data. The overall analysis of the data
concludes that work motivation significantly impacts the employee performance in small and
medium sized organizations that are operating in the information technology business sector of
China. In addition, the analysis of data also highlights that, compensation, rewards/ recognition
and medical benefits impacts the work motivation of the employees that are working below the
managerial level. On the other hand, the interview analysis concludes that, employees that works
at supervisory level feels more motivated, when the organization provide them training
programs, career growth opportunities and work life balance.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................................................... 2
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................................ 3
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................................7
1.2 The overview of research................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Problem Statement..........................................................................................................................................7
1.3 Aims and Objectives.......................................................................................................................................8
1.4 Hypotheses......................................................................................................................................................8
1.5 Significance of the Study................................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................... 

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