Information sharing barriers of supply chain management between humanitarian organization in Jordan

 Information sharing barriers of supply chain management between humanitarian organization in
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[Name of the Institute]
Information Sharing Barriers2
Table of Contents
Section A......................................................................................................................................... 3
Jordan – Background and Location ............................................................................................ 3
Political Status of Neighbouring Countries ................................................................................ 4
Refugee Crisis and its Impact on Jordan..................................................................................... 5
Section B......................................................................................................................................... 7
Humanitarian needs of Syrian Refugees in Jordan..................................................................... 7
Food Needs and Emergency Aid ............................................................................................ 7
Health...................................................................................................................................... 8
Section C....................................................................................................................................... 10
The Role of Humanitarian Organizations in Jordan in Meeting Refugee Needs ..................... 10
Section D....................................................................................................................................... 17
The Need and Importance of Coordination among Humanitarian Organizations.................... 17
Challenges and Shortcomings................................................................................................... 19
Strategic Coordination and Planning .................................................................................... 19
References..................................................................................................................................... 24
Information Sharing Barriers3
Section A
Jordan – Background and Location
The Middle Eastern Kingdom of Jordan is located in the continent of Asia, at the south of
Europe. It is the 122th largest nation in the world and covers an area of 88,802 square kilometres.
The population of the country is 7,862,565 with a density of around 70 people per square
kilometre (Country Meters, 2016).
The Western part of the country experiences essentially a hot climate with dry summer
spells and a cool wet winter. However, overall, the country has a desert climate with less than
200 mm of annual rain. Its climate is divided amongst three distinctive geographical regions: the
Mountain height Plateau, the Jordan Valley and the Badia region or the Eastern desert. With
respect to its water resources, Jordan is considered the 4th driest country in the world with desert
environments covering around 92% of its land area (Altz-Stamm,2012). The water resources of
the country are utilized mainly by four sectors: municipal supplies, tourism, industry and
agriculture. The agriculture in the Jordan Valley is supported mainly by directing the surface
water resources while the Highland farms quench their thirst mainly by wells or rainfalls.
It is a relatively small country located at the intersection between the Levantine and the
Arabian areas of the Middle Eastern regions of the world. It is bordered on the east by Iraq, to
the north is Syria and Saudi Arabia in the East and the Southeast. The Western area is
neighboured by Israel and Palestine, with the country’s only access to the sea through the Gulf of
Aqaba to the far south(Cavanagh, 2013). Figure 1 shows a map of Jordan and its neighbouring
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Figure 1: Map of Jordan and its Neighbours
Source: Cavanagh (2013)
Political Status of Neighbouring Countries
With respect to the crisis in Iraq, the economic impact on Jordan has been mixed. The
country has faced many benefits from serving Iraq as a gateway by providing contractors,
volunteers, aid workers and entrepreneurship and business people. The banking sector and the
real state in Jordan are booming and it waits for situations in Iraq to improve to reap more
benefits through increased trade and transportation sectors (Lasensky, 2006). However, after the
crisis and fall of the Iraqi government, Jordan lost huge amounts of oil subsidies and trade
shipments. Many of the Jordanian companies suffered as their Iraqi business partners were
unable to clear their debts due to the embargos and sanctions. The key sector of Jordan,
agriculture, was also affected due to the UN resolutions. 
Information Sharing Barriers5
Considering the Syrian civil war, the conflicts in the country began in March 2011 which
led to more than half the coun 

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