integrated Market Communications

 integrated Market Communications refers to an approach that is used by organizations   with the aim of branding as well as coordinating their marketing efforts across multiple communication channels. Integrated marketing communications integrates all marketing communication platforms in addition to sources from the company. IMC can also be defined as a concept in marketing recognizes the added value in a comprehensive plan with the aim of evaluating the strategic roles involved different communication disciplines. Combining various communication subjects with the aim of providing clarity, consistency as well as giving the maximum communication impact. (Belch and Belch, 2018) .

Integrated Marketing Communication is an audience based business process that is  oriented to the planned management of an organizational communication strategy. The IMC concept has become  an integral part in the market forces in the terms of communication. Integrated Management Communication necessitates organizations to coordinate their various strategies with the aim of engaging coherently with their target. (Blakeman, 2015). Also, IMC incorporates a deal of work  when the effort is expressed to bring achievements. Integrated Marketing Communication is modified with the aim of producing consistency in communications throughout the company Moreover, IMC  also encompasses all the communications with the aim of customer progression as well as cultivating the relationship with the customers. Generally, communication tool for integrated marketing communication encompasses both traditional as well as digital media marketing. Digital media marketing platforms include social media marketing, blogs television among other platforms.

Cadbury is one of the leading companies that deal with confectionary, with a excellent portfolio of gum, candies  as well as chocolates. The company was started in 1824 by John Cadbury. Since its inception, the organization has expanded to a multinational company, having commercial operations in US, Britain, Australia among other countries. One of the strategies that  Cadbury has used in implementing IMC is advertising strategy. The company began its multi- branched campaign on key areas  as print, broadcast as well as electronic media. The company has majored so much on messaging strategy on their adverts. Consequently, use of celebrity advertisement has given Cadbury a notch higher than its competitors. Use of Amitah Bachman as its brand ambassador since the celebrity is hugely popular and is well endowed in integrity  and other qualities that Cadbury company need to associate itself with the brand.  A rational connection  connecting television and starring Bachchan narrated his first visit to Cadbury factory , assuring people about the quality of the chocolate produced from the factory. Also, in another version of his adverts, he emphasized on the safety of the product when being taken by children. Also, market segmentation of the market has been encouraged by the company. The segmentation is broadly divided into three areas (Eagle, 2015). . Geographical segmentation refers to where milk bars are segmented by consumer preferences  in the region they are predominantly popular. Most of these areas are those that consume junk foods. Another example of segmentation is catering to those impulse buyers. Dairy milk are often stocked in convenience stores and at the checkout aisles of supermarkets  due to the impulse purchasers. The third segment gift segment. Giving away chocolates as gifts is the latest form of segmentation. Giving away chocolate as gifts is a trend that is catching up fast in Australia. (Clow and Baack, 2018).

The second organization that has implemented Integrated Marketing Communication is  McDonalds. Television advertising in Australia shows the real story that engages the target customers. Emotional advertisements amplify positive feelings thus enhancing consumer’s feelings on adverts as well as its credibility (Moriarty, 2015). Moreover, the advert can affect attitudes towards the specific brand. Out of home billboard, example adverts in buses, subways advertisements are some examples of billboard advertisement. McDonalds have outstanding billboards that engage in the target audiences who need a quick meal in the restaurant. Sales promotion is another IMC strategy. Incorporation of  the sales promotion with the print media , like obtaining coupons on news papers, magazines as well as recipes. These promotional campaigns are no longer limited in the restaurants rather, they employ other media channel to present the effective IMC in addition to expanding  the market communications. (Clow and Baack, 2018).

One of the major benefits of integrated marketing communication is to ensure that marketers efficiently and effectively communicate their brand messages across a wide range  across communication channels with the intention of creating brand awareness (Persuit, 2016). .  Consequentl 

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