Introduction to Health Breakdown

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Introduction to Health Breakdown
1. Explain why a booster tetanus injection was given to Vivienne. (2 Marks)
The booster tetanus injection was given to Vivienne as a prevention measure to
make sure she does not develop tetanus. It is a very serious disease, which can be life
threatening and if left without attention might lead to a lethal outcome. This condition is
caused by bacteria, which can be found in manure, soil, and dust. This way, as Vivienne
was exposed to manure before she got the cut, it is clear that the booster tetanus injection
was simply necessary in this case.
The microorganism enters the organism of a human being through the damaged
skin with cuts, puncture wounds, pinpricks, burns, and other injuries (Wassilak,
Kretsinger, 2009). When the bacteria is introduced to an individual, vegetative cells are
releasing toxins known as tetanospasm toxins that make muscles spasm uncontrollably,
causing seizures.
2. Describe the physiological basis of any three of her wound observations.
Relate your response to the case study. (6 Marks)
What Vivienne is experiencing with her general state as well as her local wound
condition is generally referred to inflammation. Inflammation is a typical process that
occurs as a response to injuries and introduction of foreign environment into the body of
a living organism. There are certain characteristic features of inflammation, which almost
always occur indicating the distinctiveness of this occurence, which include the processes
of redness, swelling, heat, and pain (Wild, Rahbarnia, Kellner, Sobotka, Eberlein, 2010;
Young). Sometimes decrease of function is also mentioned in this list, however, in
Vivienne’s case it is not necessary to pay attention to such inflammation manifestation.
The physiological basis for this reaction is vasodilation, enhanced vascular
permeability, and emigration of white blood cells. This way, due to increased vascular
perfusion relaxation of the smooth muscle that is around the terminal arterioles occurs
and leads to elevated flow of blood to the wound. As more red blood cells pass through
the tissue redness is caused as well as warmth, because blood is able to carry the heat
from the core of the body to cooler parts of it (Young; Wild, Rahbarnia, Kellner,
Sobotka, Eberlein, 2010). Swelling, on the other hand, occurs due to increase in vascular
permeability and, therefore, the build up of the fluid, which results in oedema and can be
observed as puffiness.
3. Explain how Vivienne’s fever developed and state two benefits of fever (3
Fever is a classic reaction of an organism that occurs due to introduction of
foreign antigens into the organism of a human being. In Vivienne’s case this developed
due to the booster tetanus injection, which was given to provide immunity and make the
body produce antibodies for protection. Vaccine creates an impression of infection,
however, the dose makes it possible for the antibodies to fight back successfully and
create immunity for it in the future (Launey, Nesseler, Malledant, Seguin, 2011; Young;
Elevated temperature is considered a sign of organism fighting with infection or
sickness. It is good because ferments are able to perform required functions faster and,
thus, inflammatory response is stimulated more actively (Hurt; NDRI). Microbial agent is
much easier destroyed with higher temperature, as most of them are able to do best at
normal human’s body temperature.
4. Name two most likely sources of the contamination of the wound by S.
aureus and explain how the organism was transmitted to the wound from each source. (4
S. aureus is an enterotoxin producing Gram-positive organism (Food Doctors,
2008). It quite essentially and naturally lives on humans and animals without causing any
infections or troubles. Individuals with good health carry these microorganisms in the
nose, throat, and on their hands without even thinking or sometimes knowing it. It is
practically everywhere, as S. aureus can also colonise foods, as well as food contact
surfaces (Food Doctors, 2008; Wolk, Struelens, Pancholl, Davis, Della-Latta, Fuller,
Picton, Dickenson, Denis, Johnson, Chapin, 2009).
Thus, the wound can be contaminated through hands, materials and surfaces, and
air, as well. For example, a medical professional or the patient herself may have S. aureus
while bandaging or covering the wound up (Food Doctors, 2008; Wolk, Struelens,
Pancholl, Davis, Della-Latta, Fuller, Picton, Dickenson, Denis, Johnson, Chapin, 2009).
A person can simply cough and the wound could become contaminated.
5. Explain why Augmentin is one of the appropriate drugs given to Vivienne.
(4 Marks)
Augumentin is a medic 

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