Journal Article Critique

 Journal Article Critique
Journal Article Critique
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Journal Article Critique
Table of Contents
Executive Summary........................................................................................................................ 3
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
2. Relevance to Human Resource Management.......................................................................... 4
3. Critical Analysis...................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Credibility......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1. Authors...................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2. Journal....................................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Merits ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.3. Limitations ..................................................................................................................... 10
4. Discussion.............................................................................................................................. 11
References..................................................................................................................................... 12
Journal Article Critique
Executive Summary
The following business report is a critical analysis of the article:
Collings.D. and K. Mellahi. 2009. Strategic talent management: a review and research agenda.
Human Resource Management Review. 19(4): 304-313.
The topic of discussion under the article is relevant to practitioners and scholars of human
resource management. The critical analysis will discuss the merits and limitations of the article
before espousing on conclusion. To determine the credibility of the article, the professional
status of the authors and the journal in which the article was published will be reviewed.
Similarly, past literature on the topic and relevance of talent management in human resource
management will be assessed. The article shows high level of credibility because of the high
standing literature used to support the arguments, the professional standing of the authors and the
journal. Due to the practicability of the arguments espoused by the authors of the article, the
article has contributed immensely to the domain knowledge of talent management and the
overall discipline of human resource mangement. 
Journal Article Critique
1. Introduction
The contemporary business environment is characterized by cutthroat competition. Business
organizations are embroiled in talent wars to attract and retain the best workers to drive business
strategies as research indicates effective human capital facilitates business organizations achieve
competitive advantage. According to Ashton and Morton (2005), effective talent management
helps business organizations differentiate, enhance strategy execution and operational success,
thus gaining competitive advantage over peers. Lockwood (2006) also asserts that, for a business
organization to gain competitive advantage in the present competitive global marketplace, an
organization needs to attract, hire, develop and retain best talents, therefore effective talent
management is critical for organizational achievements.
However, effective talent management is a challenge facing business organizations across the
globe. The case is worsened by little and scanty research on the topic of talent management.
Therefore, there is a need to analyze literature on talent management. This business report will
critically analyze an article written by Collings and Mellahi (2009) on strategic talent
management. The report examines the relevance of talent management in human resource
management, critically analyses the article including merits and limitations. Lastly discusses
recommendations and areas for future research.
2. Relevance to Human Resource Management
In todays dynamic business environment, talent is crucial to business success. Human resource
practitioners, therefore, focus on talent management to add business value and promote
organizational success. Lockwood (2006) observes that organizations are realigning their human
resource management from reactive practices to proactive practices, which is explained by 
Journal Article Critique
human resource personnel activities to harness talent. The scholar explains the critical role of
talent management in human resource management by citing a talent management survey

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