Knowledge Management
Institutional Affiliation
Business managements are continually struggling to build their supply of information to enhance
effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Data about clients, representatives, competitors, and
industry trends, among others, is vital in reaching an informed decision. An organization with
much knowledge about the industry in which it specializes is well-off for success in the future.
Therefore, to be successful, it is necessary to distinguish knowledge in different ways, such as
the coding and coordinating process. Managing knowledge is a valuable asset to an organization,
which executives should know how to use appropriately. Consequently, strategies should be
adequately implemented to provide a level of information technology integration to enable its
acquisition, storage, and usage by relevant authorities. The management of knowledge systems
requires programs that have links to computers that are known as information systems.
Moreover, it is worth understanding how the process and management capacity flow across the
corporate world. That is why it is necessary for organizations to ensure the restoration of relevant
knowledge and skills that are useful in advancing technology.
Keywords: knowledge management, data management, information system
Knowledge Management
Business management is continually struggling to build their supply of information
utilized to enhance effectiveness and efficiency of their operations. Data about clients,
representatives, competitors, and industry trends, among others, is vital in settling on informed
decisions. An organization can enjoy the economies of scale if information resources are
properly maintained to enhance operational effectiveness. However, the adverse effects an
organization faces are a lack of proper administration and interpretation of information into
formal knowledge. As a result, an organization may gain value only when vital assets are under
proper management. Moreover, individuals having a valuable knowledge may be advantageous
to the company in different ways. These may vary in three types of reward, namely altruism,
reputation and reciprocity (Sabherwal & Fernandez, 2014). Thus, employees in the organization
are eligible for awards in case they share knowledge with the firm management. Similarly, others
with vital knowledge about the organization administration can benefit their reputation if they
use the knowledge appropriately to achieve efficiency in production. They may be guaranteed to
an increase in wages and salaries.
Data Management
An organization with knowledge about the industry it specializes in is well-off for
success in the future. Therefore, to be successful, it is necessary to separate experience in two
ways (Maier, 2013). The first is the coding, which involves the organization ensuring that the
knowledge can be portable and transparent for users to understand. The second is coordination
that enables the organization to be able to access the right information so that employees can
quickly learn and adapt to the changes. Also, the objective of the organization should ensure
adoption of the efficient and effective system to facilitate the easy transfer of knowledge among 
employees. This enables individuals with less knowledge about the information to develop or
understand it. Moreover, the understanding of the knowledge is necessary for the organization to
develop creativity to become innovative with new products and services (Schwalbe, 2015).
Therefore, it enables the organization to adapt to the changes in the market demand and to be
competitive for survival in the industry.
Information Management
Managing knowledge is necessary for leadership in an organization to learn. Therefore,
strategies should be appropriately implemented to ensure information technology is integrated to
enable its acquisition, storage, and usage by the relevant authority. However, the question that
bothers management is how to acquire the information and pass it to the organization (Sabherwal
& Fernandez, 2014). That is why it is important for employees to share knowledge by passing it
from those who are more knowledgeable to the least in the organization. As a result, sharing
assists in transferring information from one generation to another to maintain the traditions and
customs of a company. Additionally, managing the information contributes to leadership
qualities such as planning and coordinating appropriate steps to follow, thereby ensuring
employees are motivated in their work. Therefore, to achieve the objectives of the organization,
it is necessary to assess improvement in efficiency of information flow by the management
(Galliers & Leidner, 2014). Similarly, data flow has vital functions to ensure adoption and
implementation o 

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