Language Attitude toward Gulf Pidgin Arabic.

 Language Attitude toward Gulf Pidgin Arabic 

Language attitude toward GPA Section 1. Attitude definition and comparison to similar concepts This section contains discussion on the definition of attitudes in general and of language attitudes in particular. In addition, it includes a comparison of attitude with a number of similar concepts existing in social psychology and other social disciplines. The word “attitude” has Latin and Italian roots (“aptitude”+“atto”) that can be translated as "aptitude for action". Therefore, the word “attitude” means, “having a tendency towards certain actions” (Baker, 1992). Historically the meaning of the word has been related to the art, where the attitude is "a posture or pose in painting or drama” (Baker, 1992). By Cambridge Dictionary, literally the word means “a position of the body” (Cambridge Dictionary), this meaning is related to the historical one, but still, has usage in modern English. Today in British and American English, word “attitude” has addition senses sometimes with a negative connotation. For example, the word applicable in everyday speech in the meaning close to “confidence”: “If you say that someone has attitude, you mean that they are very confident and want people to notice them” (Cambridge Dictionary). In particular, in American English, the word application in informal speech represent a negative evaluation of the person: “If you say that someone has an attitude, you mean that the person seems unwilling to be helpful or polite” (Cambridge Dictionary). For both meanings, the common feature is an existence of strong believes, feelings, some core opinions in person mind that affect an action, in particular making it more egoistic, concentrated on its personal outcomes, constructing the very individual way of action. The scientific meaning of the term is neutral and has no negative or positive connotations like one in a common speech, but in the literature show the same important relation between individual meanings and actions. As Baker writes in his book Attitudes and Language (1992), attitude is abstract hypothetical structure, construct, or a model. Social psychologists use it for an explanation of "the direction and persistence of human behavior” (Baker, 1992). One of the specific characteristics of attitude is a reflection of dispositions that are enduring and stable, they can change during the life, but only in a long-term perspective (Baker, 1992). The other feature of attitude is its latent nature, as its direct observation is almost impossible. The only way scientists can study it is through observation of persistent external behavior and direction this behavior has (Baker, 1992). Do you need help with your assignment? We write original academic papers onany subject and topic CHECK PRICES Scientists in humanitarian disciplines have constructed a number of formal definitions for the term; the classical one is the definition by Allport (1935). In his opinion, attitude is "a mental or neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related" (Baker, 1992). This definition pays special attention to the latent nature of attitude, as it is an invisible mental state, however showing itself through human action. Bem (1968) has characterized attitudes as “self-descriptions or self-perceptions” (Baker, 1992), this variant requires by subject conscious recognition of its attitudes while Allport’s does not. By definition of McGuire (1985), an attitude is a location of "objects of thought on dimensions of judgment” (Baker, 1992). This variant of definition focuses on the scale and therefore opens a new area of research methodology, leads to techniques of measurement of attitudes. The other definition by Ajzen (1988) tells that attitude is "a disposition to respond favorable or unfavorable to an object, person, institution or event" (Baker, 1992). This one assumes only a positive/ negative variant of attitudes, therefore does not suppose measurement as McGuire's one. While definitions above focus on human, the positioning of attitude in his mind, and external expressions of attitude, the hierarchical model of attitude provides the analysis of the internal structure of the “attitude” concept itself. By this model (following Plato's ideas), an attitude includes three parts: cognitive, affective, and readiness for action (Baker, 1992). The cognitive part includes beliefs and thoughts about the object; the affective part includes feelings to the object. This model allows differentiating attitude from many other concepts that may include one-two components, but the attitude is all three parts in their integrity. The word “attitude” has a wide usage in common English in meaning “a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this” (Cambridge Dictionary). This sense applicable in everyday speec 

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