leadership and management traits

The paper covers the leadership and management traits and theories necessary for managing a multidisciplinary and multicultural health care organization to promote organizational effectiveness.
The need for health services is a basic need in every sphere of the earth. Delivery of quality services in health care has always remained a main objective of many healthcare organizations. There are many existing organizations that deliver health care. The quality of health care varies from one organization to another. The existing ethnic and racial disparities hinder quality service delivery. Implantation of sound management practices is one of the strategies that the management can apply in order to ensure quality service delivery.
 The health care providers always try to balance the quality of services and the financial outcomes of the services. The leaders of healthcare organizations play a major role in establishing the overall success of the organizations. They are responsible for the financial and medical outcomes. 
In order for the healthcare leaders and care givers to achieve the desired results, they must have a thorough understanding of organizational effectiveness determinants. The determinants include the quality of leadership, finance, strategy and the operations of the organization. The leaders require a superior delivery system in the healthcare business. Leaders in the healthcare business require having a sound knowledge on healthcare options. They should plan strategically and their vision should always be in line with the patients well being. The leaders need to explore the available medical options in order to establish a cost effective payment scheme which delivers quality health care services. The leaders should factor in the well being of the stake holders as their main responsibility. Both the patient and the caregivers should be satisfied with the terms and conditions of the contract. Caregivers and attendants are the closest to the patients and thus their welfare should not be overlooked. They should be included in important decision making process and planning. Their contribution towards the success of the healthcare organizations is paramount.
Patients are the clients in the healthcare business. Every organization should uphold ethical and lawful considerations when handling patients. The patients deserve to be treated with respect and care. The leaders should always ensure that the patient- caregiver relationship is good. The healthcare organizations face many challenges in the process of service delivery. They include language barrier in the multi cultural society, high poverty levels of patients that prevents them from purchasing the recommended medications, insurance systems and care delivery.

Problem statement
Effective management of healthcare in the face of multicultural and multidisciplinary health care helps to enhance the overall success of the healthcare organization.

Literature review
Strategic planning, performance improvement, and information systems in the quality health care delivery.
Strategic planning is a critical element that should be present in every planning of an organization. It is the responsibility of the leaders to involve the other stakeholders in planning as this will affect their performance. The leaders should also provide managerial support to the staff and health care givers in order to motivate them. This helps to ensure the overall success of the medical schemes. In relation to the support structures, relevant information systems should be put into place in order to enhance the effectiveness of the systems. The managerial structures should be in line with the organizational goals and objectives.
Effective management of information systems will ensure that there is unity of command and every stakeholder is responsible and accountable.
The Financial characteristics of health care delivery, managing costs, revenues, and human resources. 
There are many options that are available in healthcare. The choice of a healthcare scheme may depend on the nature of sickness and the level of care given to patients.  A variety of different options of hospital payment systems is available to a patient who is the beneficiary. The beneficiaries enjoy a wide range of services. Payments setting depend on the level of care that is suitable for a patient. For example, a routine and continuous homecare, inpatient general or specialized care charges are different.
Payments systems
Different options of payments systems are available. The choice that is taken depends on factors like nature of sickness, geographical location and the level of care to be accorded to the patient. Factors such as geographical location of patients, severity of illness and, care cost must be put in consideration when designing the system. Payment systems have an effect on the cost and, behaviour of the service provider. Payment systems in 

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