Leadership: Reflective Learning Log

Leadership: Reflective Learning Log
This paper is a reflective learning log which is composed of my own experiences and
observations with respect to a three hour group activity set in the university centre directed by
tutor of my course. There were a number of tasks that we were assigned in that activity but this
paper is a description of those tasks instead it presents how I found leadership aspects of the
group that I was a part of under the context of the leadership theories that I have learnt in my
course. I find that the leadership theories are very practical and work effectively if adopted
properly. The following discussion contains my observations about the leadership aspects of the
group activities and my recommendations as to how those activities could have been improved.
Task 1: Reflective Learning Log
In the first task I was a part of a group having six members. It was a chaos. There was absolutely
no communication perhaps because the group members did not know each other properly
because we did not have a proper introduction prior to go on for the task. Since there was no
proper communication therefore everybody could see that the group would not be able to
complete the task. They started some sort of blame game. Many group members were trying to
put the blame on the shoulder of other members. I tried to raise my voice in but I felt that it was
useless and thus I did not talk much in that activity.
Thinking about the situation now I believe that in that situation the best solution was servant
leadership style. Servant leadership begins with a person trying to serve other group members
first after that a conscious choice brings the person to aspire to lead. Such a person strives to
serve priorities of other people first (Spears and Lawrence, 2002). This is because I feel that 
Leadership: Reflective Learning Log
everybody was trying to become the leader of the group using what we have read as coercive
leadership style (Spears and Lawrence, 2002). The group actually needed to build a consensus
first. The consensus could have been built by pursuing a servant leadership style.
In tasks two we all decided to be divided into two groups each with three members. In my group
we all decided to work together but again everybody was giving their own opinions and
justifying their perspective. One of us attempted to take the lead but he also failed. I also tried to
contribute my opinions and perspective into the tasks but I also got ignored many times by other
two members. However, one of them was paying attention to what I was saying but it was not
sufficient enough. I think none of us had any idea how to take the lead. The group members felt
quite awkward including me.
I think in that situation the group needed someone following the situational leadership model
presented by Hersey and Blanchard (1969). According to situational leadership approach a leader
has both directive behaviour and supportive behaviour. The leader identifies opportunities where
supportive behaviour is needed and also knows when to demonstrate directive dimension of
leadership skills. Generally the leader demonstrate directive behaviour by assigning tasks to the
group members (employees) and supportive behaviour by building effective relationships with
the group members (employees) (Boddy, 2014). This style of leadership was the best solution in
task two but I think no body remembered this style and attempted to implement it. Therefore
overall the performance of the group in task two with two groups was also no up to the mark.
In task three all of us again decided to make two groups. This time in my group we all agreed
that we needed to work together and we need to improve communication. Therefore we needed
to listen to what other members have to say about the task. I felt more confident in that situation. 
Leadership: Reflective Learning Log
The communication among the group members was far better as compared to the previous two
tasks and therefore we all worked as a group. This time we had a leader who led us as a group
and we as group members followed him.
When I think about task three I feel that the person who became our leader followed
transformational leadership style presented by Burns (1978). According to transformational
leadership model Leaders and their followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and
performance (Northouse, 2013). The person who became the leader gave a wonderful idea
regarding the task at hand and constructed some sort of a level of higher morality and
performance. He had performed well and therefore he gained a moral position in the group.
Other members accepted his performance and morality and then followed him. This shows that
the members had realised that being a team is more effective. I also presented my idea and
wanted to lead the group but I thought that at that time following the leader who has already built 

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