Running Head: Lifestyle and Well-Being Lifestyle and Well-Being [Writer’s Name] [Institute Name] 3 Lifestyle and Well-Being Introduction Relation between lifestyle and well-being is pretty understandable and well researched topic. Changed life style assures health and well-being. In order to understand impact of changed lifestyle on well-being, there is important to take thorough look on the concept of well-being. It is a primary concern to understand proper definition because different people have different notions about well-being and healthy lifestyles. Modern trends of therapy emphasize to focus upon changed behavior in the attempt of acquiring well-being. Changing lifestyle is regarded as intervention method of providing help to treat illness in the disciplines of psychology as well as in health care studies. Discussion Talking about well-being, our motive is to look mental and physical perspectives of well-being. As it is very general idea that daily walk in morning brings healthy change in our lives and also it prevents us from many potential diseases. Lifestyle change helps in treatment condition in a way that it assists in the reduction of relapse incidence, improves self-esteem, decreases side effects of medicinal treatment, and it is also increasingly associated with physical, social, and psychological well-being. In particular instances, lifestyle change to improve physical well-being plays significant role to decrease nausea, increase functional capacity, enhancing immune function, improved daily moods, helps in decreasing fatigue, and health perception improvement. At some instances, health is considered as a concept which varies person to person. People conceive notion of health depending on their physical condition and availability of choices to live healthy life which is largely offered by their social environment in various contexts. 4 According to popular notions, healthy lifestyle assures long life and happy health conditions. If one argues about the factors that help in the attainment of well-being, scholars suggest those factors as avoiding smoking, drinking, and physical activity. An important aspect that takes part in the assurance of health and well-being is to avoid overweight. Lifestyle plays significant role in overweight circumstances and health conditions. For instance, we can understand the point with the help of example that smokers are generally less satisfied and less happy in contrast with the people who are non-smokers. Chain-smokers feel less healthy in comparison with the people who do not smoke. Health and well-being concepts are interrelated. People with positive perspective about their health are happier and more satisfied in terms of their health conditions than people who feel less healthy (Barwais, 2011). Unhealthy attitude like excessive drinking, smoking, and obesity restricts people to lead healthy life and they are less satisfied in comparison with their counterparts who has tendency to avoid such unhealthy attitude. Writing a formal report about lifestyle improves health conditions, one need to understand particularly formal definitions of lifestyle and well-being. According to Mega Health Life Style, “lifestyle is typical way of living.” Mostly people associate the term “lifestyle” with wealth and quality of life but studying it in terms of health and behavior, it provides the understanding of usual way of living. Habits and emotional well-being are considered as essential facets of healthy lifestyle. Habits or regular activities help to shape a unique lifestyle of people which gradually becomes their individual characteristics. Improved and healthy lifestyle includes all those habits which assure happiness and well being of people. While on the other hand, bad habits such as smoking, drinking, excessive and unhealthy diet leads to adopt worst lifestyles. Well-being, on the other hand, defined as “absence of negative conditions” as explained in clinical terms. While according to psychological perspective, well-being is “prevalence of 5 positive attitude” (Barwais, 2011). Positive perspective of psychological definitions is said to have primarily six characteristics that are most prevalent for instance: quest of well-being, life satisfaction and positive affects, social behavior tendency, various dimensions, personal optimization, and balance of attributes. In specified terms, well-being is a personal notion about what actually people think about to do rather what they actually do (Gough et al, 2007). In traditional terms even the concept of well-being is associated with welfare, happiness, person’s good, advantages, quality f life, and thriving in social and psychological fields. In clinical terms as well-being is associated with absence of negative conditions continually goes on to demonstrate that absence of illness and disease. But, adding to that well-being is more than just the absence of illness and disease. McAllister (2005) explaine
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