Little Brother Book Review

 Little Brother Book Review                                                                                                  

‘The little brother’ symbolizes the young people and ‘the big brother’ symbolizes the governance system. The book revolves around young people who are searching for liberation from government control. Innocent civilians are tortured and detained, and this calls for action in order to end the system. Marcus is an intelligent, selfless, courageous, independent and tactful teenager (Cory 2008, chap. 1). He has programmed his computer in a manner that deletes any evidence that can implicate him legally. He is conscious about his rights and also fights for the rights of others.
In chapter two, Marcus is tortured, wrongly implicated, threatened and imprisoned, but he continues fighting for his rights and values regardless of the risks that are involved. Marcus believes that the teenage cannot just sit and wait for freedom to be handed over to them, but they must take it for themselves. At one point, Marcus is extremely disappointed with the elected representatives and was he to be given a chance, he would have voted for someone else. In the face of technological advancement and terrorism, Marcus communicates a message of caution to the users in relation to content and safety.
Marcus ideas and actions are realistic and can be linked to current day to day life occurrences. Citizens have left politics and governance to the leaders. They trust the leaders and are against young people who try to criticize and take action against bad governance. Marcus is triggered to act because he realizes that his liberty is being compromised. He chooses to voice his sentiments and those of the voiceless in the society openly. His chance to manifest his liberal characteristics is presented when they are caught with his friends during an adventurous episode.

Even after suffering, torture, scrutiny and threats, Marcus still remains adamant and continues with his liberalisation campaigns after being released from prison. His fighting spirit provides a sense of hope to the young about bringing in the much desired change to the existing bureaucratic and oppressive governance and judicial systems. Marcus is a fearless civil right activist who portrays royalty to his friends and a fighting spirit for human rights. The young people have the ability to change the world into a better place. Technology should be used as a right in order to help people work better.
Individual independence and dignity should be upheld in order to enhance personal privacy and power. The government should not use technology as a means of spying the users as this will undermine its primary intentions. The book reprimands the people who abuse their power. Political power and technological advancement should not be abused but should help in enhancing the quality of life for people. People in power should refrain from manipulating and punishing the helpless. They should protect and actively represent the interests of the people.
It has emphasizes on human rights such as privacy and freedom calls on the action of the government and citizens. The themes used in the book are mature thus; the book is suitable for adults and older teens only. The current world requires people who know and exercise their rights. Fear and intimidation from others has no place in the minds of people who want to enjoy their rights and technological advancements in the current word. Young people should not undermine their voice in impacting change that need to be made from the old oppressive system.

Doctorow, C. (2008). Little brother. New York: Tom Doherty Associates. 

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