Management Communication and Environment Conservation

Management Communication and Environment Conservation
Effective Management Communication on Environmental Conservation vs. Industrial
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Management Communication and Environment Conservation
Companies are part of society and as such should address the challenges that the society faces
to ensure social development. Some scholars believe that company’s social development
responsibility should override shareholders value. To ensure they fulfill this moral obligation,
companies engage in corporate social responsibility to solve the problems of the societies and
foster economic development. Subsequently, environmental conservation is carried out as part
of corporate social responsibility. Though environmental conservation is a subset of corporate
social responsibility, it has long term benefits both to the society and the business entity of the
company. To establish the significance of companies integrating environmental conservation
efforts in their value system, this paper investigates how effective management communication
in business organizations contribute to environmental conservation and reduction of
industrial pollution. To achieve this Maxwell leadership laws such as the law of influence, the
law of magnetism, the law of empowerment and the law of connection form the basis of
investigating effective management communication. The research utilizes secondary data
from case examples, peer-reviewed journals, websites, books and other documented
information that is congruent to the study. Data analyzed qualitatively employing Maxwell
leadership laws reveals that effective management communication is instrumental in
environmental conservation and in reducing industrial pollution.
Management Communication and Environment Conservation
1 Communication
A healthy organization necessitates effective communication; poor communication
decreases morale and lowers productivity (Jones and George, 2011). According to Ulmer,
Sellnow and Seeger (2007) a number of managers think that poor communication wastes
additional money and time compared to any other managerial problem. Since communication
holds such a crucial impact on the achievement of any company, every individual in the
company should be actively involved in the same. As environmental consciousness in
organizations has increased in current years, the significance of social accountability and
environmental communication that foster voluntary and active disclosure of environmental
information regarding their environmental actions and concerns for environmental issues besides
enhancing their standing for their environmental performances and endeavors has been
recognized extensively.
Pollution prevention in organizations has altered from a somewhat technical and narrow
focus on optimization of the current production procedures to a more organizational emphasis on
environmental management. Currently, a number of front-runner corporations are placing stress
on the environmental effects from merchandise, which are viewed in a life cycle viewpoint
(Coombs, 2012). The emphasis on environmental effects from products is augmenting the
demand for environmental communication between and in companies. In this regard,
communication refers to the planned and strategic use of communication procedures to reinforce
effective project implementation and public participation aimed towards environmental
sustainability. In spite of its acknowledged outcome, communication in this regard is rarely
incorporated in development cooperation plans as a strategic implement. 
Management Communication and Environment Conservation
Numerous decision-makers are unaware of how to integrate a communication strategy in
their projects hence are unwilling to invest in the same (Hargie, Dickson and Tourish, 2004).
Numerous planners are inclined to think that generating video films or posters or initiating a
mass media advertisement is the answer to problems entrenched in environmentally untenable
practices. Nevertheless, isolated merchandise of this kind only stand a possibility of success
provided they are incorporated into an inclusive communication strategy which describes upfront, the purpose and whom the information is intended and how recipients are meant to convert
it into action and communication.
1.1 Background of Study
Given the importance of environmental conservation to business operations, there is need
for effective management communication in environmental conservation and reducing industrial
pollution. The management is at the echelon of corporate leadership and breakdown in
communication along the chain is a competitive disincentive. According to Argenti, Howell and
Beck (2005) companies with tactical and short term communication approach are non
competitive and do not attain their corporate strategy.  

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