Management - Conflict Management

All relationships encounter conflict at one time or another. These conflicts are necessary
and normal for development and growth. Conflict resolution is regarded as the processes and
techniques, which are involved in the peaceful resolution or termination of these conflicts. In
most cases, those concerned in conflict resolutions attempt to end the conflicts by actively
relaying information on their ideologies or motives against the other party(s) as well as involving
themselves in these negotiations. Procedures and methods for resolving conflicts are wide and
may include, but not limited to, diplomacy, mediation, negotiation, peace building among others
(Sternberg, and Dobson, 2007).
Conflict resolution models are concepts applied in solving conflicts by establishing
dialogue strategies between the concerned parties. The models are also employed in preventing a
devastating swing of the pendulum and assisting the deliberations and decisions of the concerned
parties. A group of Australian psychologists came up with conflict resolution models that could
be used to achieve a significant outcome in a conflict context by establishing a best procedure to
be applied in resolving conflicts (Davidson and Woods, 2004).
Kilmann-Thomas Model
This model which was designed by Kilmann and Thomas was purposed to illustrate the
options to be applied in conflict management on the basis of the attempts to obtain what is
desired by both parties. The model harbors two dimensions: Vertical axis and horizontal axis.
The vertical axis is chiefly concerned on responses that are based on the disputants’ desire.
According to the authors, these are referred as the assertiveness options. The horizontal axis, on
the other hand, is apprehensive of the responses that are aimed at getting others achieve what
Sample: Management - Conflict Management

they desire. The authors call these the cooperative options. The authors point out five basic forms
of responses namely: Competing, accommodating, avoiding, compromising, and finally
collaborating (Online Management Training, 2013).
The Win-Win Model in Conflict Resolution
The Win-Win approach requires each of the parties concerned in the conflict to state their
perception and needs, to have consideration for the other’s needs and views and then work
together in finding an amicable solution that could be agreed by both of them. The model is
presented in the following steps: planning the approach, presenting the statement to the other
party, allowing the other party to respond, agreeing to the other party, developing alternative
solutions, and finally making a decision to change. In essence, the intent in the win-win approach
is persuading individuals or parties to collaborate when seeking an amicable solution to their
conflicts. It is also intended to make the parties assume that the other party has no prejudice
against them, and that he or she means well. Additionally, the model aims at making the parties
express their feelings, identify the required outcomes, stating the expected results and inquiring
for an understanding (Fisher et al, 2001).
According to Gage et al (2000), the best strategy in ending conflicts would be for people
in disputes to listen to each other and to make their complaints and explanations clear. Though it
may be at times obvious in finding a solution, the resolution often gets more complex as the
other party may be just thinking of revenge instead of how to resolve the disputes. A successful
conflict resolution should result into a win-win situation where both parties benefit in one way or
another. The win-win approach ensures that the interests of the parties concerned are met and
that the relationship does not end.

Transformation as a Model for Conflict Resolution
My ideal model in conflict resolution would be termed as conflict transformation. This is
a case where the behavior and/or attitudes of the concerned parties are altered or transformed in
order to reach an amicable solution. For an effective conflict resolution and peacebuilding, it is
essential to transform destructive or negative communication patterns and replace them with
positive and constructive patterns of interaction. The essence of this model is, therefore,
empowering the disputing parties by transforming their own attitudes and behaviors in a manner
that would make them understand their own needs and situation. In addition, the model will
encourage the disputing parties to identify the situation they are in and what other parties need.
Conflict transformation does not, however, imply that we end the conflict in its entirety,
rather it is purposed to work with its multifaceted nature. This owes to the fact that people in any
kind of relationship encounter conflicts. When such conflicts occur, it subsequently transforms

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