Management - Leadership

 In the current world, more and more organizations and companies make people’s lives
easier. The current world knows many leaders who can attract attention and are worthy of
attention. One of the most famous people in the modern society is Richard Branson. Richard
Branson is a business tycoon and CEO of Virgin Airlines. He is the founder of Virgin
Airlines as well as the founder of the new Virgin Galactic space exploration services for
public use. Branson is an effective and passionate leader – he supports other companies
through their organizational development, reviving them. He has the courage to take risks and
initiatives. He sold out Virgin Records to save the Virgin Atlantic’s financials. Branson
builds a positive environment for his staff. He communicates with them and is open for their
suggestions and ideas about future plans of Virgin. Confidence and creativity help Branson to
succeed. The planes of his company are comfortable and offer touch-screen food ordering.
Branson has started and ran one of the most advanced and popular airlines in the
world. Branson currently owns one of the first in the world commercial privatized space
tourism services (called Virgin Galactic). One of his biggest achievements of Branson is
being so closely related to his company. The company is tightly related to Branson’s ideas
and behavior, as he is part of the company. He speaks to his employees as to his friends and
percepts his company as his family. When people think of Virgin Atlantic, Richard Branson
is the first to come to mind, in a way you think of Steve Jobs when you hear about Apple or
Mr. Walt when you hear about Disney. Hence, the leader should attract attention of
employees in order to make work useful and provide further decision-making process.
Employees of Branson’s company respect him. This makes their cooperation easier.
Employees’ attention is completely attracted to Branson’s ideas and inspiration. Attention is
needed for consciousness as “unattended items appear in consciousness” (Mole, 2009).
Branson is skilled in psychology of people, so he can motivate and direct them easily.
Sample: Management - Leadership
Sandhu has stated that Branson’s personality is unique. Branson’s organization is
headed up not by his personality, but rather by his individuality and talent, and his new
perception of the business and its values. He is a special person who refused bland
corporatism and chose a distinct marketing advantage. Richard Branson has many leadership
qualities. Branson operates with both his strengths and weaknesses; he uses this knowledge in
the right way and in the right time. He is not only a leader, but also a member of the team.
Branson’s quote is cited on “A company is people … employees want to
know… am I being listened to or am I a cog in the wheel? People really need to feel wanted”
(p.1). Branson implements good, even friendly relationships and humanity in the process of
work. He takes risks and can operate with multiple choices. The success rate of Branson is
definitely huge. The success rate is not only the percentage of successful attempts, but also
permanent growth and development.
In conclusion, Richard Branson is one of today’s pioneers. He is heading one of the
biggest space programs since the "Space Race." He has privatized many transportation
systems of the government such as Virgin Airlines, and the British Railway system now
known as Virgin Rail. He is the human embodiment of perseverance and consistency and
1.Branson, Richard (February 12, 2013). Reach for the skies: ballooning, birdmen and
blasting into space. Published by Virgin Books.
2.Branson, Richard (2007). Screw it, let’s do it. (CEO Virgin) Published by Virgin Books. (2013). Forbes Personal Profile of Richard Branson. Forbes profile.
4. Mole, C. (2009). Attention. Web. Aug 21, 2013. Retrieved from
5. One small step for space tourism? (December 18, 2004) Science and Technology
Magazine, Print Edition. Original article on Virgin Galactic.
6. Sandhu, Tanita (2003). What’s your CEO brand? The Academy of Art University,
San Francisco and board member of The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the US
National Committee for UN Women.

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