Managing financial resources in Health and social care

 Managing financial resources in
Health and social care

Health Care
According to WHO, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.”
It has been always important for the people to be generally, physically and
mentally fit in order to provide and also enjoy economical and social
benefits. As falling sick or getting hurt is very uncertain to the people,
therefore, interpolation of health care became a necessary evil to assist
people with such uncertainties in their lives. Health care as a matter of
course is regarded as an essential foundation in promoting over-all well
being of the people involving their mental health and physical health all
around the globe (Wheeler and Grice, 2000).
Social Care
There are some sections of the society, which need extra support and care,
be it a practical support or an emotional support, these people who demand
such assistance lack something which cause them to be dependent for extra
attention and care. Such support is provided to such sections of the society
to enable them to do activities happily which others who do not require
extra care or support take for granted. This is generally termed as social
care. Social care is provided to everyone, regardless of person’s background.
It is provided to old age people, ill people, children, disables or to poverty
stricken people. There are established social care teams under local
authority of the respective areas. The people involved in such teams are
also called social carers.
Integration of Health and Social Care
However, health care and social care are integrated services as both are
somehow interlinked and the sufferers are also humans. As health care is
given to the humans and providing services to needy humans are called
social services. Most of the countries take both the matters jointly and bring
about measures to look after it. These services are derivable from health
and care providers. Not everyone is eligible to provide such services .in
order to become eligible for providing health care and social services, the
applicants have to go through various professional courses as it involves a
range of academic and vocational courses. Health care and social care can 
be and are studied as a subject in colleges and the discipline of this subject
embrace elements of many other social subjects or biological subjects, such
as sociology, biology, nutrition, anthropology, history, law and ethics. The
students intending to become social and health care providers can engage
themselves in part time jobs or internship which is in relation to their
subjects simultaneously with their academic studies. They may seek
placements in social homes, nursery, social institutions, hospitals or caring
establishments. After acquiring the qualifications, the students may begin
with being care assistance depending upon the level of qualification acquired
by them. Later, after being the care assistants, they can choose their
pathways to become a doctor, social workers, counsellors, physiotherapist,
paramedics, psychologist, psychotherapist and other related varieties of
According to National Economic and Social Rights Initiative, health and
social care is considered as a human right. Consequently, it is guided by
human rights standards, such as universal access to everyone, health and
social care should be comprehensively available to everyone and should be
physically available whenever and wherever needed. The availability of
health and social care services must be available in all geographical areas;
availability of such services is an important component of maintaining
human rights standards. Moreover, it is expedient for the health and social
care providers to be sensitive towards the needs of the human based on
gender, age, culture and different ways of life and abilities or disabilities. 
The care provided by the providers must respect dignity and must
administer culturally appurtenant care and be responsive. The quality of
care must be guided by quality standards and control appliance and must be
provided timely and safely. No discrimination should be made to people on
the grounds of race, caste, colour, sexuality etc. There must be complete
transparency in administrating information to the people. People must be
free to participate actively in their role in decision making that concern their
health and in conjunction with organization and incorporating the health and
social care services.
In most of the democratic countries, health and social care is regarded as an
important issue, as democracy is by the people, for the people and of the
people. Therefore, such services become foremost in such countries. It is
not a non burdensome job nor is it a child’s play to provide with the
services. It requires the usage of lot of resources and the procedure of
applying the resources in a systema 

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