Marketing in Hospitality

 Topic : Marketing in Hospitality
Paper Type : Assignment
Word Count : 3500 Words
Pages : 15 pages
Referencing Style : Harvard Referencing
Education Level: Masters
Marketing in Hospitality
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
Marketing 1
Marketing in Hospitality
Task 1 (a)
SWOT Analysis
 A large membership base
 A big list of community based programs
 Strong volunteers
 A wide network of stakeholders consisting
of State and National Government
 Strong leadership, and responsive
 Inefficient management of
 Have to face several constraints by
being a government body
 Less support for the parents and
other groups of the society
 Lack of efficient planning
 Inadequate allocation of resources
 Working in partnerships with national,
international and the local bodies
 Increasing monopoly
 Technological advancements, might results
in enhanced communication
 Increasing awareness in the society and
political members of the community
 Increasing population
 Ever increasing stakeholder
 Rising inflation
 Dearth of awareness regarding the
individuals affected
 Resistance towards change 
Marketing 2
PESTLE Analysis
Governments and regulatory bodies need to find a way to increase support for careers,
and need more funding’s in order to look after historical landmarks. Currently the organization
does not seem to be high priority for government today (only spend 13% of that is spent on the
maintenance of these properties). The increasing amount of property rates and low funding’s
resulting in the formation of a hurdle in purchasing several properties. The population is aging at
a very fast pace, and the pressure is increasing since the amount of funding’s from the
government is very low.
Global recession that has struck all the industries has also had a huge impact on the
performance of National Trust. This will have a huge impact on the donations as people will cut
back their donations due to low income. Consumer confidence has hit rock bottom, difficult
times ahead as potential for unemployment is going to increase. The price of equipment’s has
also been increasing, equipment’s essential for looking after and maintaining the condition of the
old houses. Thus, all of these factors have raised some serious concerns for the National Trust.
 External funding’s 
Marketing 3
People today understand the need to give, increasing popularity of cause related
marketing increasingly popular. Ageing population; older people living longer, divorce rates
high so more single households this will result in less careers and puts more pressure on the older
individuals. Greater interest in environmental issues, ethical trading, reputation of companies and
organizations, amounts bequeathed in wills to rise fourfold between 2010-2050 though may be
used to fund properties. It would be beneficial if National Trust includes data on social attitudes
of the people and demographics to generate future trends.
A critical factor while keeping the organization in consideration would be the
technological factors that have a huge on the fundraising techniques of the non-profit sector.
Developments in the field web technology, and automated bank payments all fall under this
category. With the advancement of technologies organizations like National Trust can implement
sophisticated database marketing techniques for efficient management of their customer and
funds database, more and more activity on internet and people willing to donate on line.
Introduction of new legislation might prove to be problematic for National Trust. It could
result in the creation of new administrative burdens. Company might have to face some legal
restriction in case the organization fails to comply with the legislations. Legal action might be
taken against the organization. 
Marketing 4
With the rapid changes in the environment company might have to face some challenges
in generating funds from its current market segment. Thus, the organization might have to look
for some new market segments, there is a growing need for organizations like National Trust to
target environmentally aware and cause related target segments

Task 1 (b)
The major aim of National is to make their clients loyal so that over a period of time
these clients become their “promoters" and elevate their product to different customers. Client
suggestion is an extremely solid type of advancement. As a business, the National Trust has few
immediate contenders, however there are numerous option for people in general to invest their
leisure time and cash. Recent trend reveals that, even considering the fact that National Trust is a
non-profit organization few youngsters considered it as a conceivable association to work for

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