Marketing Strategies Towards Overcoming Rising Competition: A Case Study of Baskin Robbins

 RUNNING HEAD: Research Proposal 1
Dissertation Proposal on:
Marketing Strategies Towards Overcoming Rising Competition: A Case Study of Baskin
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Research Proposal 2
The world economy is in crisis, businesses both established and start up are faced with
imminent collapse. The lucky businesses are recording minimal margins while the not so lucky
are registering huge losses and are winding up shop. Ironically, some businesses have been able
to weather the vagaries of financial crisis and stiff competition and are registering impressive
financial bottom lines. One notable business is Baskin Robbins that is rapidly expanding despite
the harsh economic climate. Baskin Robbins is an ice cream store that operates under franchise
business model. The success of Baskin Robbins is replicated in every location it operate, may it
be in its home town of the United States of America or in the emerging markets of the Asia
tigers. This study will establish the marketing strategies that the franchisor uses to create a
competitive global brand that overcomes stiff competition that characterizes the present global
market. The study will use secondary data that will be analyzed qualitatively. The secondary data
will be obtained from previous works from scholars, companies websites, journals, and books
among others. The study will analyze 4 research works to establish marketing strategies that
Baskin Robbins use to overcome competition, effectiveness of the marketing strategies and how
present day competition is shaping Baskin Robbins marketing strategies.
Research Proposal 3
1. Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Businesses in developed, emerging and third world economies are facing numerous
challenges from ever evolving consumer taste and preferences, global competition, technological
advancement to diminishing returns. To stay ahead of the pack, firms are forced to be innovative
to grow and retain their market share. Companies that have failed to re-invent their product and
strategies have been forced to exit the market due to either low return on investments or huge
losses. Nevertheless, small companies and even startups that strategically positioned themselves
have been able to grow their balance sheet, market share and are perched high in the corporate
echelons. These conglomerates that were once tiny outfit have been driven by technology
adoption or market responsive strategies to overcome fierce competition that defines present day
markets. Therefore, business executives today are grapple with competition for sustainable
growth. Ironically, scholars consent that competition has enhanced efficiency and effectiveness
in the market. As the world shrinks to a global village, companies are venturing into new markets
far from their home turf to improve their competitiveness and diversify their markets. This has
taken competition to a global scale as global brands compete to outdo each other.
Scholars and business executives contend that competition is present in all marketing
functions. Competition manifest in pricing of products, qualities of products, distribution
channels and in promotions. Companies in an effort to overcome competition develop strategic
plans, which indicate how each business functional unit will outdo its rivals. Pitney Bowes in an
effort to overcome competition differentiates its product quality and distribution network from its
competitors. Some global brands particularly fast food chains have resorted to franchising in an
effort to be globally competitive. In a bid to establish the marketing strategies that Baskin 
Research Proposal 4
Robbins, a franchisee business, uses to overcome competition this chapter presents the study
background, problem statement, research questions, research aim and objectives as well as the
study rationale to lay an introduction to the entire dissertation proposal.
1.2 Background of Study
According to Zapletalova (2009), companies are devising competitive strategies to
compete on both local and global level. These strategies are based on the environment the
company wishes to invest in, taking into consideration the customers and the challengers.
Zapletalova (2009) continues to state that for a company to succeed in its target market, it should
serve the customers better than its rivals. According to franchising experts, franchising is a
business method that has been used by companies to catapult their products and services to
global brands. However there is paucity of knowledge on the determinants of franchise success.
According to Bordonaba-Juste and Polo-Redondo (2008), franchisee success is partially
dependant on its relationship with franchisor. To understand and contribute to the body of
knowledge on franchise business model; this study seeks to establish the marketing strategies
employed by Baskin Robbin 

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