Mental health disorders

 Running head: CHAPTER ONE 1
Chapter One
Chapter One
Mental health disorders are a major concern in the United States; it is estimated that
around seventeen million people suffer from this condition every year. Thus, there is a need to
address this problem especially among the adolescent African American males community who
have the highest rate of mental health risk compared to the rest of the nationalities (Ward &
Mengesha, 2013). Studies have shown that about five to ten percent of these people suffer from
this condition, and twenty percent of them are at a risk of suffering from severe depressive
disorders without proper and sufficient health care services due to various barriers (Ward &
Mengesha, 2013). These barriers are mostly linked to their cultural values, and racial
background, for example, decreased access to quality health care due to the high poverty rate
experienced in this community. Most of the African American lack jobs because of their racial
background. Also, most of them have phobias of being associated with mental illness, and,
consequently, this community has the lowest rates of screening and diagnostics of the illness.
Therefore, there is a greater need to have cultural awareness training session for their mental
health care providers.
Significance of the Study
This study would be beneficial to nurse by providing information on how cultural
awareness can influence treatment in a given community. Also, it will provide a great in-depth
research on how culture and racial discrimination has led to a lack of proper health care services
in these adolescent African American males.
Statement Problem
Mental illness is associated with high levels of suicide in this group. However, when
treated with a mental provider, the rate of mental illness should decrease significantly. Despite
the efforts of the professionals and the awareness of the condition available, most of the African
Americans still do not seek treatment due to cultural difference and also the racial background.
Purpose of Study
The purpose of this research is to establish the effect of cultural awareness training
sessions for African American mental health providers on the diagnosis of the major depressive
disorder compared with the national average within a calendar year.
Research Question
What are the effects of cultural awareness training session for mental health providers on
diagnosis of major depressive disorder associated with adolescent African American males on
the calendar year?
It is assumed that the participant's gender will not extensively influence their view on the
It is assumed that most of the African American male participants are less likely to get
treatment for their mental illness than any other nationalities.
It is assumed that the participants will answer truthfully and in the best of their
knowledge to the survey questions.
It is assumed that cultural awareness will offer a great solution to the problem.
Theoretical Definitions
Mental illnesses are conditions that affect an individual’s way of thinking, their mood,
and behaviors towards other people. This condition is related to mental stability, and health state
examples include anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and eating disorders (Ward & Mengesha,
Cultural awareness involves consideration of how an individual's culture may notify their
behavior, values, basic assumptions, and principles.
Objective Definitions
Depressive disorders are associated with severe sorrow that is constant enough to
interrupt an individual’s daily activities by lowering their pleasure for the activity (Bergfeld et
al., 2016).
A mental health provider is a person who provides mental health diagnosis and treatment
regarding drugs and other therapeutic solution to improve the patient's mental health (Ward &
Mengesha, 2013).
Bergfeld, I. O., Mantione, M., Hoogendoorn, M. L. C., Ruhé, H. G., Notten, P., van Laarhoven,
J., Denys, D. (2016). Deep brain stimulation of the ventral anterior limb of the internal
capsule for treatment-resistant depression. JAMA Psychiatry, 73(5), 456. Retrieved on
October 9, 2016 from
Ward, E., & Mengesha, M. (2013). Depression in African American men: A review of what we
know and where we need to go from here. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry,
83(2 Pt 3), 386–97. Retrieved on October 9, 2016 from 

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