Ministry Preparation The genealogy of Jesus,

 Matthew’s Gospel
Read the first 12 chapters of Matthew’s Gospel.
Give two word titles for each of the sections identified below and summarize the main
events/ideas of each section. The first section is done as an example.
1:1-4:23 Ministry Preparation The genealogy of Jesus, with His
ancestry recorded, His birth,
acceptance by Joseph as his son
described. The visit of the Magi
 and Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus
 causing the escape to Egypt, then
 coming back to Nazareth. John the
 Baptists appears and prepares the
 way to Jesus. Jesus is baptized by
 John. Jesus starts his ministry.
5:1-7:29 Faith Prayer Jesus teaches the main moral
principles of faith. He proclaims
loyalty to God’s Law, lays down
the major rules of human living,
reveals the meaning of true values
that are in Heaven, and teaches
people how to pray.
8:1-10:4 Miracles Disciples Description of ten miracles
performed by Jesus including
healing of many people and
bringing back to life a dead girl.
Jesus calling on his disciples to
teach people and sending His
twelve disciples to drive out evil,
heal, teach people and preach.
10:5-11:1 Discipleship Persecution Jesus gives His disciples the
authority to heal and explains the
principles of their teaching people
faith. Setting a priority of teaching
the lost sheep of Israel; postulating
self-sacrifice required of the
disciples, and warnings about
Sample: Philosophy - Matthew Gospel
persecutions they will be exposed to and
encouraging them.
11:2-12:50 Witnessing Messiah John imprisonment and his sending his own
disciples to ask Jesus if He is the Messiah or
the forerunner. Jesus opposes the Pharisees’
tenets by revealing the true meaning of faith.
13:1-13:52 Parables Teaching Parables teaching on the Kingdom of
Heaven; Jesus addresses a lot of people on
the Sea of Tiberias shore. Parables as clear
and instructive stories revealing to people,
through everyday life examples, the basic
meaning of faith and relations of people
with God.
13:53-17:27 Prophet Disbelief Jesus came back to Nazareth; people
doubted His Word. John the Baptists was
beheaded. New miracles by Jesus – feeding
the five thousand people and walking on
water. Arguments with Pharisees and
Sadducees on the true meaning of faith.
Peter Simon recognizes Christ and Christ
predicts his death as a man. The event of
18:1-18:35 Heaven Innocence The future positions of the disciples and
people in the Heaven discussed. Innocence
similar to children’s as the way leading to
the Kingdom of God. Warnings against
temptations and the message of love and
forgiveness as true virtues in the parable on
the unmerciful servant.
19:1-23:39 Salvation Suffering Parables teaching the goodness as faith in
God and showing the way to salvation.
Christ telling his disciples about His future
sufferings. Jesus enters Jerusalem. God’s
mercy, love and forgiveness for all who
believe in Him and repent. Salvation by
accepting God. The fate of Jerusalem.
24:1-25:46 Predictions Judgment Jesus predicts the events in this world and
the signs of His Second Coming the time of
which cannot be known to anyone. The
importance of being prepared to it.
Judgment of the Nations by Christ. The
divine reward and punishment for sins.
26:1-28:20 Finality Resurrection Last days of Christ in this world. Judas’
betrayal, Christ arrested, Judas’ death, the
trial, Christ’s suffering, crucifixion, physical
death, the burial and guard at he tomb,
Resurrection, appearing before women,
entrusting disciples with the great
1.) The Parable of the Sower (13:3-9).
The different outcomes for the seeds that happened to fall on different patches of the land, with only those that were
in good soil producing abundant crop means that only those people who will hear the word of God and accept it will
be rewarded with salvation in the World of God.
2.) The Parable of the Weeds (13:24-30)
3.) The Parable of the Mustard Seed (13:31-32)
The weeds in the field that are many symbolize the evil that lives in this world. Christ sows good seeds in the world.
However, on the Day of Judgment, which is symbolically described as harvest time, all sins and sinners will be all
collected and destroyed.
4.) The Parable of the Yeast (13:33)
The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to yeast because it also starts from small groups of people believing in Him,
like yeas is only a small part of the dough. However, Christ’s teaching will spread across the world assisted by the
efforts of his disciples who, despite their small number, will accomplish their mission with God’s assistance.
5.) The Parable of the Treasure (13:44)
The hidden treasure is the symbol of the concealed World of God that is not easily revealed to everyone. Only those
who have their hearts open to  

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