Miscommunication from a TV Episode

 Miscommunication from a TV Episode 

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Due Date: 15th March 2019

Introduction	3
Discussion	3
Summary of the conversation	3
Analyze of the conversation in terms of the following components of the interpersonal communication process: encoding, decoding, physical noise, physiological noise, psychological noise, semantic noise, and filter of lifetime experiences.	3
Three strategies the characters in the conversation could have adopted to increase shared meaning and avoid miscommunication (The strategies in terms of reducing noise and adapting to the filters of others).	4
Conclusion	4
References	5

Consider the case of one of the popular mockumentary-style TV show, The Office. In the   episode “Stress Relief: Part 1” of this TV show, the team of face situation of fire danger in the building (Avila, M, 2018). The miscommunication that took place between the workers leads to a catastrophic consequences. 
Summary of the conversation 
This episode begins with a playful Dwilight intrigues that attempt to start a fire. The purpose of this firing is to inform the office workers how unplanned they are if there were a fire in the building. This fire results in the utter panic and fury of yelling. Firstly, the workers experience a situation of message overload. It refers to the situation in which an individual is flooded with multiple messages at a single time that he/she is unable to process information from it. It is considered as a barrier that prevent the workers to exit from the building safely. They were unable to exit from the building as they were involved in selectively hearing that results in performing those things that they love to listen. But, if the workers listen to all the directions of the Dwlight carefully, then they could have easily exit from the building safety. This is referred as the selectively hearing as the individual listens to intrigue things. For example, exclaimed made by Michael that ‘we’re trapped’. Apart from this, it causes panic among the workers. 
Analyze of the conversation in terms of the following components of the interpersonal communication process: encoding, decoding, physical noise, physiological noise, psychological noise, semantic noise, and filter of lifetime experiences.
Interpersonal communication process is a process through which people share their feelings and information through verbal and non verbal messages. The non verbal communication aften involves the face expression, body language and tone of voice etc. The type of miscommunication that we observe in this episode is the verbal communication (McShane, J, 2017). The Dwlight make use of the informative speech to explain the procedure of the safe exit from the building. He explains the correct steps that the workers should take for the safe exit from the buildings and what are the things that they should ignore. He tells the workers what they are doing correct or what they are doing incorrect. The purpose of his communication is to explain the procedure of the safe evacuation in case of fire emergency. But, since the employees were in panic situation, more information is conveyed through non verbal communication. The panic was clearly visible from the eyes and mouth. It is difficult to forget the scared faces of the office’s workers. 
Another type of communication that is observed in this episode is emotional communication. The entire group of worker reacts to this situation in an emotional manner (Morton, R, 2015). For example, every one of them got panic and then, they take their action. As a result of their action, they started fighting to move out of the fire. We regard this as a physiological impression of the emotions expressed by the workers. At a particular point of time, they become overwhelmed and were unable to think effectively. This sense of fear affects everyone in the office and they start affecting the emotions of each other. This fear event leads a situation in which the workers believe that their life is in danger and they got stressed. Dwlight tell them to use their surge, but it does not work. Stanley was, in fact, was unable to breathe and seems to like he will have a heart attack. 
Three strategies the characters in the conversation could have adopted to increase shared meaning and avoid miscommunication (The strategies in terms of reducing noise and adapting to the filters of others). 
Communication is a best source of sharing information among the people in the organization. By using certain strategies, we can make the communication process and its purpose effective. The following are the three strategies that could be used to avoid miscommunication in this situation. These strategies will also help in reducing the noise and filters of others in the workplace. 
The first strategy is to provide necessary document (4 Ways to Avoid Miscommunication at Work, n.d.). Dwlight should have distribu 

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