Stress is basically a physical response when someone is stressed the body switches itself to fight
and flight mode and release chemicals like adrenaline, cortisol and norepinephrine and become
ready for physical action. Stress is basically a neutral word, it can be positive and as well as
negative. If stress is created by desirable effects, it can be termed as Eustress. Eustress is a
developmental, healthy and positive response of stress. Distress is the form of stress which is
negative, it effects human health and requires observation, examination and strategies to cope
with it because It is related to drug abuse, heart diseases, marital problems, alcoholism etc.
Stress can very much effect the human peace of mind as well as can detoriate human health and
lead to some very serious consequences. Our ancient ancestors also suffered from stress but the
reason of stress nowadays is entirely different as today we have to face many challenges
everyday like paying bills, meeting deadlines and juggling childcare and that make our body
react to it the same way. Our natural alarm system triggers the fight and flight response and can
lead to serious problems related to our health. (Sherwood, 2017)
Emotional stress is one of the form which can lead to health problems. Minor stress can lead to
stomach-ache like before giving presentation. Emotional stress like anger can cause arrhythmias
heart attacks and even can cause death. There is a time when stress start interfering our normal
life for a longer period of time it even become more dangerous. The person who is suffering 
from stress has very low self-esteem, and remain depress. stress can lead to negative thoughts
first and then it gradually become severe like a person start smoking, overeating and other bad
habits like taking drugs and narcotics. These bad habits lead to several diseases like mental and
cardiovascular disease
Stress is mainly cause by things happening in your life. Things that made us sad like people,
relationships even the lack of money to not able to fulfil our desires. There is a possibility that
only one big thing can cause stress like death of a person beloved to you but small pressures can
also lead to stress and this is a reason why sometimes a person is not itself able to identify that
why the person is suffering from stress. There are so many things which can undergo person into
stress. Some causes are as follows:
1) Personal
It includes health problems, injury or illness, becoming a parent, organizing any event
like group holiday, everyday tasks.
2) Friends and Family
It includes not having good relationship with parents, children, friends and siblings,
getting divorced or having break-up.
3) Employment and Study
It includes fear of losing job or retiring, fear of failure and difficulties facing during work
4) Money and Housing
It includes Worrying about poverty, money and having responsibilities
5) Jealousy
Jealousy is also one of the reason that a person can go into stress. Jealousy is basically an
emotion. A person can also go in stress if he or she sees someone successful more them
him or her. (Meichenbaum, 2017)
Generalized adaptation syndrome was developed by Hans seyle in 1936.It is a model that
basically defines the body behavior and physiological changes towards stress. Generalized
adaptation syndrome consist of three stages which are:
1) Alarm Reaction Stage
Alarm reaction is the first stage in which the body experiences some physiological changes. In
this stage the body shows fight and flight response which occurs in response to stress. Certain
physiological changes like release of cortisol and adrenaline hormone lead to increase heart rate.
Behavioral changes occur in this stage is that person become excited and hyperactive. cognitive
changes occur in this stage that person try to avoid negative thoughts.
2) Resistance Stage
After alarm reaction the body goes in resistance stage. Heart rate and blood pressure normalize
by release of small amount of cortisol in this stage if you overcome the stress by the help of 
positive cognitive behavior and reason of stress is resolved than the body start to repair itself but
if the situation is not resolved so it may lead to exhaustion stage. Behavioral changes include in
this stage are frustration, poor concentration and irritability. the cognitive change occurs in this
stage that person remain positive and avoid to resist negative thoughts.
3) Exhaustion Stage
Chronic stress lead to this stage. Suffering from stress for a longer period of time can cause more
physiological changes and weaken your immune system which lead to many stress related
illnesses. The behavioral changes in this stage include depression, anxiety nausea and decrease
stress tolerance. In Cogniti 

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