Research Paper
Italy joined the war when France almost lost and gave away. It gave a depiction that World War
II is over but for Italy the real war was started when Benito Mussolini announced an attack on
Greece from the region of Albania. This attack was done under a campaign to support Germans. 
The role of Italy in World War II is quite abstruse from ally themselves with Germans and then
switching their sides. This all represents the incapacitated strategies of the state (Bosworth,
The actual role of Italy started when Benito Mussolini announced to amalgamate with the force
of Adolf Hitler. Italy with German forces battled against Allied troops on various fronts. The
defeat from Allied forces in North Africa forced Mussolini to depose and later Italy announced
its withdrawal from Germans alliance (Zabecki, 2015). One month after the separation with
Germans they proclaimed a war against Nazi Germany which was led by Benito Mussolini. The
role of Italy in World War II is quite abstruse from ally themselves with Germans and then
switching their sides, this all represents the incapacitated strategies of the state.
Italy during the World War II changed the side and fought the war with Germany who was the
ally of Italy and there were different reasons for changing the decision. Italy provided different
resources to Germany like steel, petrol and other things to develop the tanks. The same resources
were lacked by the Italian forces. So it was not a good decision to just provide the resources to
the allies and when the Italians realized that then they decided to switch the side and fought
against their allies (Zabecki, 2015). The decision of Mussolini to remain the ally of Germany did
not provide any advantage to the Italians. This was felt by the local people who lost their homes
and loved ones. Germany just took all the advantages and despite the Treaty that Germany would
not be involved in any kind of war, it was violated.
The Italian cities were bombed regularly and people were hopeless, production was reduced and
the morale was down. There was a big question mark on such alliance as Italians were suffering
and there was no sign of betterment (Oosterlinck, & Simon, 2015). There were thousands of
Italian immigrants seeking for the refuge. The Italian conscripts were fighting, they were far 
from the home only for those causes in which not all the Italians believed. There were shortage
of the food, clothing, shelter, medicine and fuel and still they were in the alliance. The supplies
were not safely transferred to the other parts and the Italian factories were not able to produce
different weapons without oil, coal and steel even when they were provided with the raw
materials. The reason was the bombardment of the different Italian factories that also affected
their economy. It was needed to take an important step and provide some relief to all the Italians
(Sadkovich, 2017).
The collapse of the Italian government was also among one of the reasons that Italy changed its
stance. The King Emmanuel was given the power to control the forces and therefore he
negotiated with the General and decided a conditional surrender to the allies. As a result of that
the Germans attacked Rome and Italian troops in an allied operation wee successful to take the
charge of Rome again and in such a way Italy also freed from the Fascism. It was in the favor of
the Italians to take themselves out of such alliance as they did not get any kind of benefit from it
but just the suffering (Lyons, 2016).
Italy and Germany were allies during the World War I and also at the start of the World War II.
However the conditions changed and the role of Italy also changed. Italy switched its position
and there was no alliance anymore between the two countries. There were different reasons that
justify the stance of Italians as they were needed to give their resources to the Germans and when
they decided to quit from the alliance, the Germans attacked them. The Italians with the help of
the others fought back and got their part back from the Germans. It can be said that it was an
important step of the King of Italy to negotiate with the General and take such an important step
that allows Italians to strike back, used their different resources themselves rather than being
misused by the others.
Bosworth, R.J.B., (2013). Italy and the wider world: 1860-1960. Routledge.
Lune, H. and Berg, B.L., (2016). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences. Pearson
Higher Ed.
Lyons, M. J. (2016). World War II: A short history. Routledge.
Oosterlinck, K., & Simon, J. (2015). Financial Repression and Bond Market Efficiency: the Case
of Italy during World War II. Working Papers CEB, 15.
Sadkovich, J.J., (2017). Understanding Defeat: Reappraising Italy’s Role in World War II. In
The Second World War (pp. 377-411). Routledge.
Zabecki, D. 

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