Organizational Culture And Innovation

 Organizational Culture And Innovation
Organization is a term that can be used to generally describe the way in which an organization does things in an effort towards achieving its goals and missions. There are quite a number of underlying issues on organizational culture, making it the key avenue towards the success of the organization. Thus, the level of satisfaction that is impacted by the end result of the process, also known as the failure or success, is what determines the general view of the organization, while also enabling it to gauge and estimate its ability to accelerate to a greater level. Hence, it has to be an embedded idea that positive culture and activities of the organization. These vary from a variety of organizational structure with regards to the levels of stratification in the ranks to the expectations on the part of staff and workers of the company in terms of personal or collective conduct. Besides, it is inclined to the organization’s human resource and the way in which it is organized such that it operates in line with the available goals and objectives of the company. The culture also involves the internal, external and interpersonal dealing that relate to the organization and quality of equipment required for the efficient accomplishment of the tasks and responsibilities (Hage 34).

Considering that companies are made up of people from various backgrounds, cultures, genders, characters and professional affiliations, it is ideal that coordination and harmony is established in work in order to produce a unified workforce that daily strives to work towards a common goal of achieving the objectives and missions of the company in the area where it operates. As a result of this, it goes without saying that the influence of the management or leadership is mentioned just like organizational culture. This implies that in any organization, it is often common to find groups of people working in various departments of the company. These factions of the organization are supposed to abide by certain guidelines, policies and examples that are aimed at motivating them and also showing them the direction towards achieving the required goals. Therefore, it is the responsibility of leadership to not only influence the ways of operations in the company, but also create a platform for the development and advancement of the organization.

The dynamics of the business world with regards to technology, communication and machinery require a great deal flexibility and versatility on the part of an organization so as to deliver the desired success. This is attributed to the fact that as time advances the threshold of competition and requirements for survival in the troubled waters of business increases and requires sophisticated avenues. This only implies that an organization whose target is not only to survive but also advance and place itself at a strategic position will require huge investment in the field of innovation and creativity. This is because, whether in the human or machinery resource, creativity and innovation remain a key requirement in the process of the daily business and relation transactions or interactions.

This paper seeks to look into the interlinking and interrelatedness of organizational culture, organizational leadership and innovation (Zell 76).

Also called corporate culture, organizational culture or company culture refers to the core values and the psychological environments of the organization that impact its overall behavior and performance. It also involves the long-term experience with dealings and transactions and can be uniquely attributed to a trail of historical features and progressive changes. It entails the expectations of all stakeholders and the common values that put the organization forward as a unit working towards ensuring the achievement of the defined goals and missions of the company. Therefore, the organizational culture goes a long way in influencing the attitudes, beliefs, customs and the way in which the workers and staff members as well as clients and customers view the company, and consequently has an impact in the progress and prowess of shares of the organization in the market (Hage 56).

There are various ways through which the impacts of culture can be observed or substantiated. Foremost, it should be noted that the culture is what will always form part of the daily operations and activities of the organization (Hage 67). The fundamentals are what determine the way in which the internal and external environment of the working processes of the organization is based. The labor force in the organizational structure plays a critical role in the development of the company from the beginning of idea generation, production of product or service to the actual relation with the outside world. The company culture remains constant even with transfers, new employment and the retirement of staff. Th 

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