Part A

 Part A
Brands in fact are physical carriers of products. Products in fact are physical
carriers of brands. Therefore when we speak about a brand-building, it is carried out not
only at the expense of communication, not only due to the correct understanding of the
consumer, and, first of all, is under construction at the expense of those products which
under this brand are created, move ahead, bought.
The brand can be identified with one goods or service, group of those or all
proposals of the seller. In the latter case the brand associates with a trade name of the
company. Long, boringly, but it is clear: the trademark distinguishes, the brand —
identifies differences. Ideologists of marketing learn «not to sell goods but a way of life".
So, other boots allocate the owner with desired and inaccessible machismo, an alcohol
bottle — with a millionaire’s chic, a shampoo — with an armor-piercing sexuality. The
ideal plan triumphs over real, the image wins against a subject. The brand becomes a
creed of the world religion of consumption.
In a less socially active circle of housewives there is a passive resistance to
branding which was witty used in the late seventies by the largest Canadian food
retailer of Loblaw. The employee of sales department overheard conversation of two
housewives, one of which with a clever look told another in a supermarket: “Products
would be cheaper if we didn't overpay for bright labels and trademarks!” The
management considered it as a brilliant idea, and soon in the Loblaw network food and
household goods in one-color packings with No Name inscription at the prices differing
from branded for 10–40% arrived. The company earned millions. This strategy was
taken advantage by network shops of the whole world, and in the 2009th Loblaw
restarted the No Name line — and it is again successful.
Female handbag — is, of course, more than simply a receptacle of the most
necessary, but a Birkin bag from Hermes — it is much more, than a bag. The thing
means a little in itself, but possession of a branded thing — is a symbol and even a
success equivalent.
The brand is expansive; it subordinates to itself any areas: becomes not only the
status identifier, but also a marker of belonging to this or that social group or subculture.
There are brands at hipsters (Bershka, Pull & Bear, Converse), bikers (Harley
Davidson, Fast&Fashion), skinheads (Lonsdale, Thor Steinar, Dr.Martens), clerks
(Richard Valeford), authorities or business elite.
Sample: Marketing - Brand vs Product
Brand should not be taken as an ephemeral element. For example, the
productive assets of the brand Coca-Cola are 10% of the cost of the brand, while the
latter is estimated at $ 67 billion! In fact, under the brand name a high reputation implies
in the market and the positive attitude of consumers to the products of this brand.
You can often hear catch phrases: "Brand is necessary to cause the consumer
right feeling, that he fell in love with the product, and the key to it – is a good design."
Various companies try to build on this branding. Each time a sample is given by Apple.
But, apart from the design, it gives its customers a number of other advantages.
Referring to the statistics of Bellman & Rossiter, published in the Journal of
Advertising Research (September 2012) the summary table in this edition compared
statistics from a survey of consumers of gasoline, beer, washing powder and instant
coffee. These in themselves are interesting, their comparison can be fun and rewarding
pastime, but what interests me here is the fact: the share position of «love «in the list of
causes of loyalty to a particular product – is the smallest. For example, if you select the
brand of gasoline and petrol station, it is only 0.5 %. The survey showed that the most
important thing for consumers is whether he can trust the brand. For gasoline, the
proportion of confidence in the brand was 59 %, for the following positions –
“attachment” (10%), “a convergence of views with the brand” (2 %), " friendliness " (1
%) and, as we have noted, "love" – the last place.
As there can be no brand with physical shell (the emblem, logo), so perhaps
there is no such brand that would not aspire to high popularity of its target audience,
and reached the leadership marks are trying to save it. However, recognition may be
negative, and then to talk about the benefits of this brand for a company is hardly
necessary. If a brand does not appear in the organization, for example, the company
produces a product that has no different from competitors’ products’ features, then this
brand will soon simply merge with others and cease to be recognizable, and if the brand
"is not spoken", it simply will be forgotten soon. So the brand is a phenomenon with a
complex structure, which requires taking into account many factors.
The fame and popularity of the brand lead 

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